Why Should We Exfoliate The Skin? How To Make?

The olive oil and salt body mask is very moisturizing, ideal for exfoliating the skin and removing dead cells.

Exfoliating the skin is the elimination of dead cells, although it does it by itself on average once a month.

However, over time the process slows down, allowing dead cells to remain on the surface and obstructing the growth of new cells.

Therefore, our work comes in, as we must use some methods and recipes to help the body exfoliate the skin.

Now that you know the importance of exfoliating your skin ( at least two or three times a week ), we want to show you some recipes that are economical, simple and effective to hydrate and renew your skin.

Homemade recipes to exfoliate your skin


Carrot mask to exfoliate the skin

Simply beat a carrot, mix the juice obtained with a moisturizing cream, apply to hands, feet and face.

It is possible to apply the cream while taking a shower. Finally, remove with plenty of water.

Lemon for Elbow Skin

This is one of the areas that we take less care of, however, we must give equal importance, as well as the rest of the body.

So break a lemon in half and massage it; the idea is to soak it as much as you can. Leave on for a few minutes and remove the lemon with baby oil.


Simply dissolve an aspirin in a glass of water, soak a cotton ball with this liquid, and rub it on your face.

The mixture will serve as an astringent!


Pour a few spoonfuls of sugar into a bowl, add some hand cream and massage your arms, hands and feet.


Boil a liter of water, lean your head over the container and let the steam work on your face for at least 5 minutes.

This will cause the pores to open up, and thus it is possible to eliminate pimples and dead cells.


Honey on the face to exfoliate the skin

Mix a spoonful of honey with two crushed almonds and add half a spoonful of lemon juice. Finally, make a face mask once a week, rinse with warm water.


Use a slice of seedless papaya, puree and apply to face. Papaya contains papain, an enzyme that dissolves fat and removes dead skin cells.

Grape Oil for Cellulite

Mix 2 tablespoons of grape oil, 7 g of cornmeal and 4 drops of lemon juice. Mix until it forms a homogeneous paste, apply on the hips and thighs in the form of circular massages. It will also help reduce cellulite.


Mix 3 tablespoons of ground oats with ¼ of milk, leave several cottons in this mixture and remove. Cotton allows this liquid to thicken; then make a mask over the face with the mixture.


Mix green, red or white clay with a little mineral water until you get a smooth paste. Apply in the bath over the body (less in the private parts) let it act for 10 minutes and remove with plenty of warm water.

Olive oil

Exfoliating with oil for skin

Take two tablespoons of olive oil and mix with one of salt. Salt will cleanse your body, while oil allows your body to be soft.

Honey, lemon and sugar

Mix these three ingredients in equal amounts, stir until you get a homogeneous paste and apply over the entire body, massaging in a circle with your hands.


Coffee also has benefits when it comes to exfoliating the skin. Therefore, mix some coffee with a moisturizing cream, apply it all over the body, massage and remove with plenty of water.

Sodium bicarbonate

This recipe is more than simple, mix a little baking soda with water to form a thick paste and apply all over the body.


Banana recipe to exfoliate the skin

This recipe is ideal for people with oily skin! In a blender, blend a ripe banana, 3 tablespoons of sugar and ¼ of vanilla extract.

Then apply the mixture to the entire body and massage, it is important that the massage is circular and starting from the bottom up. Rinse afterwards with warm water.

Coconut and brown sugar

This recipe hydrates and relaxes due to its texture and smell. Mix half a cup of coconut oil with half a cup of brown sugar, massage the whole body with this mixture. Finally, remove with warm water.

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