Why Do I Sleep So Badly? Ideas And Positions For Better Sleep

The key to getting better rest is that the hours of sleep are as restorative as possible. How to get this? Avoid what might disturb your rest.
Why do I sleep so badly?  Ideas and Positions for Better Sleep

One of the most common and everyday actions like sleeping can become a problem if something prevents us from getting a good rest. For this reason, it is important to know the reasons for this problem and find some ideas and positions for better sleep.

In this article, we’ll talk about how to make the most of your sleep time to start the next day with energy and vitality. It is essential to find a position that suits our needs. In addition to taking into account other decisive factors such as, for example, the room or what we eat at dinner.

The importance of sleeping well

Vitality and performance, both physical and intellectual, depend on how you sleep

  • Cells are oxygenated and regenerate .
  • The eyes rest from the amount of light they receive during the day.
  • The body secretes melatonin and growth hormone.
  • It also helps the heart and even improves physical coordination .

Ideas and positions for better sleep

sleep well is essential
Many problems can be solved with a good rest!

  • Nasal congestion : if we are having difficulty breathing due to nasal congestion it is appropriate to use two large pillows so that the body is not completely horizontal.
  • Gastric reflux : When lying down, the horizontal posture can cause stomach acids to rise through the esophagus and give us a burning sensation and a dry cough. A great idea is to lift the bed in the front with some wedges and lie down on the left side.
  • Back pain : To relieve the lower back at night we can put a pillow under the legs. Whether we sleep on our backs or if we sleep on our sides, a pillow under our knees will redistribute the weight and help us to rest better.

Dinner also influences

fix bad habits

Avoid using your cell phone before bedtime
Constantly looking at the screen of electronic devices can be counterproductive.

  • Watch TV or use clear screen devices before going to bed.
  • Find an environment that is not overloaded; trying to maintain order and cleanliness. A bed well made with scented sheets will offer quality and invite you to enjoy those hours of recovery.

Apply these ideas and positions to sleep better

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