What Foods Are Rich In Folic Acid?

Although the best known for having folic acid are green leafy vegetables, to obtain it we can also turn to citrus fruits, lentils, broccoli or nuts. But remember, it will always be better if we consume them all raw!
What foods are rich in folic acid?

Most people know folic acid from its recommendation for pregnant women. However, the truth is that we all must include this nutrient in our regular diet in order to have a good quality of life. But for that, we first need to know which foods are richer in this nutrient.

Although it is currently available in supplements and industrial products, there are several ways to consume it in a 100% natural way. So next, we want to share the foods that provide folic acid that you can use in your favorite recipes. Come with us!

What is folic acid?

Foods rich in folic acid

The first thing you need to know is what this nutrient is about. It is a vitamin, specifically vitamin B9, which is involved in the formation of hemoglobin and cells, with an active role in bone marrow. Therefore, it is an essential complement to fight anemia.

Among its food sources, we find it in green leafy vegetables, brewer’s yeast, legumes, nuts and whole grains. However, we often lose it when we subject their supplies to cooking methods. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to absorb the dose the body needs. Its consumption during pregnancy is decisive to avoid placental deformities, anemia or fetal malformations.

The minimum recommended dose of this important nutrient is 100 mcg for men and 180 mcg for women per day. In the case of women who want to get pregnant, the value doubles a few months before.

What is folic acid for?

Adequate absorption of folic acid can serve to:

  • Helping cell health: eg synthesize DNA, form complex proteins, heal wounds, maintain healthy cells, proper body growth.
  • Promote fetal development: especially in the spine, heart, brain and nervous system.
  • Increase female fertility: Studies have shown that women who consume folic acid before conception increase their chances of getting pregnant, starting three months earlier.
  • Favor the formation of red blood cells: preventing anemia, but also other diseases related to the amount of red blood cells in the blood.
  • Improve heart health: Counteracts many heart diseases, as well as helping to treat poor circulation and prevent heart attacks.
  • Prevent depression: People with depressive disorders have very low levels of this nutrient, but it, in adequate doses, helps improve mood.
  • Delaying early old age: and also some neurodegenerative diseases if the recommended daily dose is consumed.

Foods rich in folic acid

Green leafy vegetables are the main representatives of foods rich in folic acid.

The most prominent is spinach, which provides 63% of the daily amounts of this nutrient we need. Second are chard and thirdly lettuce.


Especially lentils and beans are rich in this vitamin. Pregnant women should consume these foods weekly. Half a cup of lentil provides 50% of the folic acid needed during the gestation period. They are also good for fighting anemia due to their iron content.


There are many benefits that contribute to health, especially in relation to folic acid: more than 60% of the serving per cup. They are also diuretics par excellence, being recommended in cases of fluid retention and urinary infections.


Broccoli is a food loaded with nutrients, including folic acid.

A cup of this vegetable provides a lot of folic acid, but also calcium, fiber and vitamin C. Therefore, it should definitely be included in the diet.


Especially oranges, but also papayas and strawberries. The contribution is intermediate, but if you combine them with other foods, they can be useful, especially if eaten for breakfast.


It is rich in fiber, fatty acids and folic acid. A cup of this fruit gives us approximately 30% of what we need daily.

Do you often supply your body with folic acid through your diet? If you are unsure, enrich your daily diet with these foods. Also, if you are pregnant or in the process, check with your doctor for the necessary recommendations for this sensational nutrient!

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