What Do Color Marks On Toothpaste Packaging Mean?

We often don’t notice the marks that appear in our everyday items. Although they are in many products, those of toothpastes tell us their composition.
What do the color marks on toothpaste packaging mean?

An “urban legend” has been circulating on the internet for some time, shared among users, in which it is ensured that the colors that appear on toothpaste packaging are an indication of what its composition is and how harmful it can be to us .

However, the shared information from post to post is completely false, and today we’re going to explain what the colors on toothpaste packaging really mean that are worrying a lot of people.

According to false information that went viral on the internet, toothpaste tubes have different colors in a square or rectangle on the opposite end of the cap. This color, which varies depending on the brand, would indicate the composition of the toothpaste as follows:

  • green = natural
  • Blue = natural + medicinal
  • Red = natural + chemical components
  • Black = chemical components only

Well, as we talked about at the beginning of this article, this information is completely false and is nothing more than another one of many urban legends that go viral to worry people.

As our intention is to provide complete health information whenever possible, we’ll  explain what these brands really mean and why you shouldn’t give them so much importance, as these alarming posts guarantee.

toothpaste packaging

The colors we find on the packaging of toothpaste from different brands are, in fact, characteristics of other industrialized products, such as Tetra Pak milk packaging or boxes where cereals and other biscuits are stored.

These marks are necessary in the packaging manufacturing process and are known as “eye marks”, “eye marks”, “color marks” or “registration guides”.

The purpose of these marks is that the “robots” or sensors can detect when to cut, fold or press each package. The color is usually darker than the rest of the package, as this way it can be read more easily.

In the case of toothpaste, these packages are manufactured in a company that has nothing to do with the content that will later be placed inside them.

The tubes are made in very long strips, and depending on the capacity that will be offered to the public, they are divided into “x” centimeters to provide us with the presentation we find in the markets.

It is exactly in this process that the “eye mark” plays an important role, as it is placed exactly where the tube must be cut for the unitary presentation, so that the machine can detect it and know what the end point is. of each tube.

toothpaste packaging


Why do colors vary? The truth is, color is an irrelevant detail that we shouldn’t pay so much attention to. Colors vary depending on the manufacturer or product that the brand offers to the public.

Each one has a specific color that serves as a reference for traceability and to be able to easily detect any type of defective batch.

Thus, once again another one of so many urban legends that go viral on the web in a matter of time is disproved and do not have any arguments.

This legend in particular was the reason for many dentists’ patients to consult, as it generated some concern regarding the health of their teeth.

In any case, if you still need more proof, you can go to your pantry right now and start looking at the packaging of many of the products that are there.

We guarantee that in more than two packages you will find these characteristic brands, and see how their colors can vary.

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