What Are The Benefits Of Silence As Therapy?

Silence can sometimes feel deafening. However, it is an interesting therapy to relax and promote our well-being. Find out more details below.
What are the benefits of silence as therapy?

Silence is a Latin word that refers to the absence of noise. Did you know that using silence as therapy can be extremely healing?

The concept of silence has been important since very ancient times. In classical philosophy, several thinkers preferred silence over the word, as in the case of the Stoic school.

Sometimes talking about a problem can wear us out; therefore, it is better to remain silent, for  in silent intimacy we can preserve what we do not want to expose to the judgment of others.

However, it  is increasingly difficult to find  an environment where silence reigns  due to technological devices, street noise, noise pollution and others. All of this prevents our brain from resting and experiencing true rest.

Silence as therapy and the dangers of noise

Why is silence so important and why do so many people move from large urban centers in search of tranquility?

First, it is noteworthy that the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated that a large part of the population is exposed to  potentially harmful noise levels.

The numbers treated by WHO are staggering, with estimates of more than 500 million people suffering from hearing problems by 2030.

Secondly, it  is necessary to stress that the brain needs silence to make decisions and feel calm, as the presence of noise causes the fight or flight mechanisms to be activated at the brain level, and this causes stress.

The benefits of silence

woman resting peacefully
Constant exposure to noise can raise cortisol levels and cause health problems. Quiet environments, on the other hand, bring us benefits.

If the noise around us is loud, cortisol levels rise along with blood pressure. This can trigger an episode of chronic stress. Therefore, it is worth remembering the benefits of silence. If we use silence as a therapy, we can:

  • Decrease negative cardiovascular conditions.
  • Children can experience less stress and learn faster.
  • Reduce levels of anxiety and depression in adults.
  • Sleep in peace and with less difficulty.

These benefits are scientifically proven, so don’t hesitate to start taking a few minutes and enjoying all you can gain by immersing yourself in the world of silence.

Studies confirm the need for silence

In 2006, a doctor and musician named Luciano Bernardi carried out important research that placed more emphasis on the importance of silence.

In this study, Dr. Bernardi analyzed the relationship between the effects of music on the circulatory system and the brain. In his findings, he realized that, in the minutes of rest between songs, the brain lowered stress levels.

This confirms the need to move a little closer to silence as therapy to feel less anxiety and calmer in our lives.

How can silence help us?

If you are wondering how you can bring silence into your life, you may need to find an ideal space for it and start some routines that are helpful in connecting you to your inner self, such as meditation.

During the practice of meditation, stress decreases and other gains occur at a psychological level, as it also improves sleep quality, memory, relaxes the mind, reduces muscle tension, among others.

As we meditate, we can experience the therapeutic scope of silence, including the amazing regeneration of neurons, something that many have doubted until now.

In cities, it may not be easy to find a moment to calm down, as the traffic is already creating noise around us. However, other forms of escape are also valid.  This explains why many people prefer to take a vacation in places far away from the city.

Some recommendations for taking advantage of silence therapy

woman meditating in silence
Taking a few minutes to meditate and do breathing exercises can help you gain the benefits of silence as therapy. The important thing is to completely disconnect yourself from all sorts of distractions.

Follow these suggestions so you can live with a little more peace of mind in your life:

  • Enjoy breakfast. It’s your first meal and you deserve to eat it without thinking about any problems or what to do when you leave the house. Enjoy this little moment.
  • Practice breathing exercises when you’re at the office or on the go. Focus on your breathing and this will make other ambient sounds slow down.
  • Discover places that give you peace. Sometimes they are inside the city, but because of the speed we don’t notice them, like churches, some squares or parks. These are places where we can get rid of all the noise for a few minutes and let our brain rest. Some activities also help us to be calmer.
  • Disconnect from the outside world for a second. This means stopping answering messages, calls or taking care of other obligations. Just avoid the nomophobia of so many people and hang up the phone. These minutes will be very useful.

If you put these tips into practice, you will be able to connect with yourself and enjoy the true essence of silence as therapy. Keep them in mind from now on!

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