Warm Pajamas Or Blanket? Learn How To Sleep In The Cold

Even though the general trend is to do everything to heat the room, the truth is that the ideal temperature for sleeping is 18°C.

The temperatures start to drop, the cold comes, and it’s time to put some blankets on the bed,  and have some nice warm pajamas around.

We are often very chilly and bundle up to sleep. That’s nice?

In this article we’ll tell you how to sleep better when it’s cold, with warm pajamas or blankets?

sleeping in the cold is better

sleeping in the cold is better

Certainly this title could bring a lot of controversy, as some people prefer the cold and others the heat.

However, far beyond that, we must think about what is best for our body.

When winter starts (or the fall months) we rush to put more and more blankets on the bed and wear warm socks at night.

We don’t let in any cold winds and put on our pajamas before bed.

However, is it good to take this attitude? The truth is, no. Sleeping with a temperature above 15ºC is not good for our health  (or for the planet).

The thermal sensation of the house should be moderate if we want to stay in good physical shape and rest as we should.

Thus, the body can activate its thermoregulatory mechanisms. In other words, if we wrap up too much to sleep, the cup becomes “lazy”.

Furthermore, when we sleep with so many warm blankets or clothes, we cannot move freely and we sleep unrefreshing  sleep, as it should be.

On the other hand, if the room temperature remains between 15 and 19 ºC, it is easier for the body to wake up in the morning and stay active during the day.

Otherwise, if it is too hot in the room, we become more sleepy and lethargic.

On the other hand,  temperatures above 21ºC prevent the body from releasing the hormone melatonin  and balancing cortisol, which is related to anxiety, appetite and depression.

What temperatures are not good for sleeping?


Cold is easier to control than heat, especially when you want to fall asleep.

When it’s hot, we start to sweat, feel thirsty, and we can’t stand the contact with the sheets. On the other hand, in winter, shivering in low temperatures or feeling cold feet is not pleasant either.

  • When temperatures are above 26°C, the body sweats to cool itself.
  • Blood vessels dilate, circulation increases, and we may have trouble falling asleep.
  • This is because the brain is “busy” with reducing heat.
  • On the contrary, if it’s less than 12°C in the bedroom or we don’t have enough blankets and warm clothes, the mind will also be on alert, but to increase the body temperature.
  • It is possible to experience tremors and pore expansion.
  • Blood vessels constrict and blood circulates poorly through the hands and feet  (since the little heat is concentrated in the vital organ area).

Advice for sleeping well when it’s cold

advice for sleeping well in winter

Taking into account the temperature we must maintain in the room, there are certain habits that can be put into practice to sleep better when it’s cold:

do light exercise

Before bedtime (even minutes before) you can make some gentle movements to increase your body temperature.

For example, standing with your legs slightly apart, raise your arms and  bring your palms together above your head as you inhale.

Lower your arms as you exhale. Repeat several times.

drink some tea

drink an infusion

One of the nice things about winter is the possibility to enjoy a delicious tea in bed. A hot drink at bedtime increases your body temperature  and avoids wearing too much clothing.

Don’t forget that teas that contain caffeine can cause insomnia.

take a hot shower

Another one of the winter pleasures. One hour before bed, take a hot shower so that your body can relax and keep your temperature high.

Wear clothes in “layers”

Before going to sleep we feel colder, but it is enough to lie down and spend a few minutes to start to feel the increase in temperature.

It is possible to dress in such a way that you can  remove certain items without losing comfort.

Tight pieces are not recommended, with buttons, clasps, or any object that can disturb you during the night.

It is best to wear two-piece pajamas, good socks, and nothing else.

avoid drafts

If air gets under the door or window, the room can get cold in the middle of the night. Do not hesitate and place an object that blocks the passage of the outside wind.

That way, the environment will keep the temperature and you won’t be cold.

Layer blankets

Like clothing, blankets should be placed “smallest to largest.”

That way, when you go to bed, you’ll be more wrapped up, and  as the hours go by, you’ll be able to remove some blankets without losing body heat.

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