Visceral And Peripheral Fat: Know How To Fight Them

If we want to eliminate visceral and peripheral fat deposits, we must make a series of changes in our routine. Eat 4 or 5 times a day and get more exercise.
Visceral and Peripheral Fat: Know How to Fight Them

Most people are used to referring to “fat” as one thing, always with the same characteristics. However, especially with regard to health, it is important to differentiate them to understand their risks, consequences and forms of prevention.

In this article we will talk about visceral fat and peripheral fat. Although they are slightly different, both are harmful to health and increase the risk of illness and complications.

In order for us to have a healthier life, we will also talk about how we can fight fat. How can we prevent their accumulation and eliminate the deposits we already have in the body.

visceral fat

Visceral fat and cardiac risk

Visceral fat is the most dangerous to health and, unfortunately, most people suffer from it today.

It is a deep fat that is located around our internal organs such as the stomach, intestines and liver. Because it is close to the organs, it tends to accumulate in the abdomen region.

For this reason, if you have a bulging belly, be aware that you probably have stores of visceral fat in this region of your body.

Men have a greater tendency to accumulate it, and therefore, on average, they tend to have larger bellies than women.

This fat is very active and releases very harmful toxic substances into the bloodstream. It can cause inflammation and digestive problems. In addition, it also has some more “emotional” consequences, such as stress and anxiety.

Lastly, recent studies show that visceral fat can increase the risk of developing various diseases. Among them, cardiovascular disease, heart attacks, strokes and even dementia.

Furthermore, by affecting the body’s resistance to insulin, this type of fat also increases the risk of diabetes.

For all these reasons, it is very important to adopt habits and solutions that allow you to eliminate visceral fat. See our suggestions:

peripheral fat

Abdominal fat

Despite being considered less dangerous by science, when compared to visceral fat, peripheral fat is also harmful. Its accumulation in the body should be avoided for the sake of our health.

But what is peripheral fat all about?

Just as men have an easier time accumulating fat in the abdomen region, women are more likely to keep their fat deposits in the legs, thighs and buttocks. Mainly those with a body shape popularly known as “pear”.

This type of fat does not usually show clear symptoms of how it is affecting our health. Therefore, it is important to make regular appointments with a doctor, to monitor factors such as your cholesterol level.

In some situations, we can feel a sensation of exaggerated heaviness in the legs, cramps and even numbness in the lower limbs.

If this is happening, it could indicate that peripheral fat has accumulated in the arteries. The consequences can be severe.

Thus, the effort to prevent the accumulation and eliminate the existing peripheral fat deposits is important.

How to fight visceral and peripheral fat?

Physical exercises to fight visceral fat

Realize that, we’re not talking about getting a perfect body or a flat stomach; we are talking about health.

The habits we will describe below should be part of your daily life, not for aesthetic reasons, but for you to have more quality of life and longevity.

Unfortunately, there are no miracles to quickly eliminate both types of fat we’ve described. You have to maintain a healthier lifestyle and be patient: little by little the results will come.


With regard to nutrition, it is important to adopt balanced and balanced habits. Choose a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins.

Also, we should divide our caloric intake into 5 or 6 meals throughout the day. But don’t forget to always choose healthy foods.

Other important recommendations are to keep your body well hydrated, drinking about 2 liters of water a day. Salt reduction is also very important.

Also eliminate the consumption of processed foods, refined flour, sugars, sweets and soft drinks.

With regard to fats, many people believe that they should be cut out of the diet completely, but this is not true.

Healthy fats such as avocado, olive oil, walnuts and almonds, and fish such as salmon and tuna are very important for health. Therefore, they can be part of a healthy and balanced diet.

Saturated fats, on the other hand, should really be avoided.

Physical activity

The best way to burn fat is through regular physical activity.  But remember, it’s not about overdoing it and wanting to do exercises that don’t fit your physical fitness right from the start.

Start with the first step, and over time you will increase the difficulty of the exercises.

To help eliminate visceral and peripheral fat, just choose a physical activity that gives you pleasure. Consistency is key, so try to exercise at least three times a week.

Remember that your heart should be active, and your heartbeat should be faster than it normally would.

By introducing these new habits into your routine, little by little, you will notice the results, not only in your body, but especially in your health. The effort is worth it!

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