The More You Sweat The More You Lose Weight?

Some still believe that sweating is related to the calories you burn, but that’s not true. Learn more below.
The more you sweat, the more you lose weight?

It is believed that the more water in your clothes when you finish some physical activity, the more pounds you have lost. However, this is not the case. The calories you burn go beyond perspiration, because if you don’t sweat, you wouldn’t lose an ounce.

In this article we will explain to you the answer to the question “the more you sweat, the more you lose weight?”

sweat, pounds, exercise

If you are going to do a physical activity where you will perspire, take water with you

Let’s take a moment to analyze what happens in a gym or a training room. When the class or exercise routine ends, there are some people who are drenched in sweat to the point where they need to wear a towel and change their clothes to keep from getting sick. Others, on the contrary, are dry as if no fingers have been moved.

Does the first person lose more weight than the second? That’s popular belief, but not always what everyone thinks is true. In order to determine whether the most sweating generates the most calorie burn, let’s take a look at what happens to the body when you exercise.

In order to be able to cool off when the temperature gets too high, the body has a mechanism called sweating, or sweating. It basically eliminates water through the sweat glands located in the skin and, with this liquid, reduces the temperature.

The number of these glands is determined by genetics and they don’t work the same way in humans. Studies have revealed that the more you sweat, the more sweat glands (the average is between 2 and 4 million across the body).

Women generally have more than men, but the male glands are more active, up to 50% more. Their body composition is different: they have more water in their bodies and, in addition, perspiration is more acidic. If we talk about hormonal differences, they are the ones that win the game.

Athletes, for example, start to sweat at a higher temperature and from the deepest tissues. With the same charge and heat, men perspire more. Women, on the other hand, have more mechanisms that help to dissipate heat (above all, circulatory).


man getting hydrated

Therefore, in a gym we are more likely to see men sweating and women with reddened skin (especially the face). This happens because the blood capillaries in the dermis dilate. And besides, they expel heat everywhere.

The amount of sweating can also be affected:

  • Due to the weather (humidity and high temperature cause more sweating)
  • by exercise intensity
  • If the person drinks alcohol or coffee
  • if the person smokes
  • From what you ate (spicy foods and spices increase your body temperature)
  • By weight or amount of accumulated fat

So if we sweat do we lose weight?

After perspiring you should drink plenty of water

It has been proven that overweight people perspire more than thin people. Excess body fat raises the basal temperature because it serves as a “shelter”. In a situation of effort or movement, the body makes the body sweat to lose heat.

This means that when perspiring, no more calories are burned. Weight loss is more related to other factors such as muscle mass and fat accumulated in the adipose tissue. It’s true that when you sweat, you lose weight, but these lost grams are made up of water and minerals eliminated through sweat. That is, you are not losing fat through the glands.

All that we lose in sweat when we finish an exercise, we recover at the same moment we drink water or a drink with mineral salts that are sold in the market. However, this does not mean that we should stop hydrating before, during and after an exercise.

It is important to emphasize that sweating does not cause an increase in caloric expenditure, because, for example, even if you sweat more than many in an exercise session, you may lose fewer calories than someone who has not eliminated even a drop of sweat from their glands. .

So why do we lose weight when exercising? Aerobic training or routine has the ability to make us lower in weight, but not by the amount of sweating during the activity.

man wiping perspiration

So what is the weight loss attributed to? The intensity of the activity being carried out. For example, running for 30 minutes helps burn 300 calories, no matter how much sweat is on your shirt.

Let’s not forget that sweating is the body’s way of keeping our body temperature stable. This is the function of sweating, and not to make us lose weight and make the bikini look perfect.

If it were that simple to lose weight by sweating, we would just have to sit in a greenhouse, go to a sauna, or stay in the midday sun. Or, if we wear a very warm jacket in midsummer, of course that’s not how it works.

What exercises can you lose fat with?

We have already demystified the idea that perspiring is synonymous with weight loss. We also said that to lose weight we need to choose high or moderate intensity exercise. But you certainly want to know what these exercises are, so pay attention:

  • Aerobic exercises
  • Walk fast
  • trot
  • Skiing
  • Swim
  • Ride a bike
  • To dance
  • boxing
  • practice martial arts

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