The Meaning Of Facial Wrinkles And How To Prevent Them

What are facial wrinkles or expression lines and how to prevent them? Many factors contribute to marking lines on the face. In this article, we show its meaning and ways to prevent it with natural remedies and foods.
The meaning of facial wrinkles and how to prevent them

The face is a reflection of the soul and facial wrinkles are also a sign of the functioning of our organism,  both of our emotions and of the punctual or chronic weakening of the organs. For this reason, the marks that appear are not just the fault of age or the passage of time, but may indicate something that we should improve in ourselves.

In this article, we’ll talk about the meaning of the most frequent facial wrinkles, as well as how we can prevent and reduce them with natural remedies, healthy foods and advice to improve your lifestyle.

Chicken feet

facial wrinkles in eyes

These wrinkles appear at the ends of the eyes in the form of horizontal lines towards the temple and which are accentuated when we laugh or squint our eyes. Although they can also be expression marks in very happy people,  crow’s feet are often a symptom of liver weakness. 

To prevent and smooth these wrinkles, we can follow these tips:

  • Avoid the consumption of unhealthy sugars and fats, such as: sausages, margarines, industrial pastries, fried foods, etc.
  • Eat light dinners and eat early enough so that by the time you go to bed, you’ve already digested.
  • Take medicinal infusions and supplements based on boldo, milk thistle, turmeric, artichoke or dandelion.
  • Combat stress and negative emotions such as anger.

See also: Amazing remedy to eliminate wrinkles in a natural way

bags under the eyes

Many people suffer from bags under the eyes, a puffiness that gives us a sad, tired and aged look. Although there are cosmetic surgery operations that can eliminate these unsightly marks, we can also  avoid them in time or reduce them when they start to appear if we take care of the health of our kidneys, which are responsible for the fluid balance:

  • Drink at least 1.5 liters of water every day, divided into several doses, on an empty stomach and always outside meals.
  • Avoid excessive salt intake and always opt for sea salt or Himalayan salt.
  • Consume raw fruits and vegetables every day in: juices, cold soups and salads, which are rich in water and potassium.
  • Apply heat to the kidney area (middle of the back) with water bags or electric blankets.
  • Take vitamin C supplements.

forehead wrinkles

facial wrinkles on forehead

The facial wrinkles that appear on the forehead as horizontal lines that go almost from side to side are  a reflection of everyday concerns, that is, they have an emotional origin. 

For this reason, the solution involves a change in our way of being, with a more positive and decisive attitude that helps us to solve problems without anguish. This is not to say that you have to stop worrying, but change the way you deal with the problems that arise.

We can find emotional support in Bach Flowers, which are natural essences that help us find a psychological balance without any side effects or risk of dependence. We can take them at any age and at any time, as they have no contraindications. However, we recommend going to a flower essence therapist to diagnose flower remedies best suited for you.

We recommend that you read: How to use aloe vera to reduce wrinkles

Wrinkles under the nose

facial wrinkles in mouth

Vertical wrinkles that start on either side of the nose and descend to the outside of the lips are  a reflection of bowel malfunction. In many cases, there may be rapid improvement or worsening due to specific intestinal crises such as constipation.

To eliminate these wrinkles, follow these tips:

  • You should have a balanced diet rich in vegetables and whole grains, as these foods will provide the amount of fiber our intestines need.
  • When increasing fiber consumption, we must also be aware of the need to drink water to facilitate its assimilation, as otherwise we could aggravate the situation.
  • Consume chia and flaxseeds, left in water a few hours beforehand.
  • The  kudzu  is an excellent remedy for any regular bowel disorder.
  • Agar agar also contributes to bowel balance.
  • In specific cases, we can do enemas
  • Exercising and avoiding a sedentary lifestyle is also essential for a healthy gut.

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