The Best Fruits To Help Treat Anemia

In addition to offering us iron, fruits contain vitamins that help us to fix it in the body. Acerola has the highest levels of vitamin C and iron.

We can all suffer from anemia at some point in our lives. Eating poorly, periods with heavy flow, any kidney or liver problems. Lack of iron has consequences that we should not overlook. With that in mind, in this article for today we’ll talk about the best fruits to help treat anemia.

What fruits should I eat to help treat anemia?

fruit salad

Fruits to help treat anemia

Can fruits help correct our iron deficit? Not completely, but in reality, they are essential to be able to fix the level of iron in our body.

Many nutritionists advise, for example, to accompany those foods that contain iron with a little lemon.

Cockles, mussels and spinach; if we put a little lemon on top, we’ll be able to make even more use of the iron levels they contain.

Thus, fruits stand out as an essential complement to reduce and treat anemia.

Nature always brings us natural elements from which we can get all the nutrients we need. Therefore, fruits can provide us with iron and vitamins that will help us to steady the level of this mineral in our body and cover the deficit. Take note of the fruits that can help treat anemia!

1. Oranges and lemons

citrus fruits to help treat anemia

The wonderful citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C. As we said before, they become essential pieces to complement our diet.

Accompany each of your breakfasts with orange juice, make a nice cup of oatmeal with strawberries, walnuts and almonds. Then season your salads with a little lemon juice; all of this will make your anemia get better.

2. Plums can help treat anemia


One of the best medicinal fruits. Do you know all the properties of plums? They are digestive, treat constipation, inflammation, give us energy and, what’s better, have a very high dose of iron.

The plums are magnificent! You can consume them natural or dried, ideal for your breakfast or afternoon snack for energy. No doubt about it, after citruses, plums are great for helping to treat anemia.

3. Apple and Pear Smoothie


Healthy, tasty, versatile and curative. Remember the old saying “eat an apple a day and live 100 years”.

About pears, we can almost say the same. Well, maybe you don’t know the great benefits of consuming a very rich apple and pear shake. Ideal for breakfast.

Peel the apple and pear and add a glass of water and blend everything in a blender. You will be delighted and will be perfect for raising your hemoglobin levels.

4. Acerola

treat anemia

Do you know this healing and therapeutic fruit? If you do not know, take note immediately, as acerola alone is one of the fruits with the highest level of vitamin C and iron.

Acerola is a type of West Indian cherry that is currently cultivated in different climates.

It has, as we said before, high levels of vitamin C. In addition, it has other types of nutrients such as vitamin B6, vitamin B1, vitamin A, flavonoids and special minerals (iron, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium), indispensable for the body.

And how can we consume acerola? Fresh, in juices or even in jams.

It’s perfect to help treat anemia, to reduce the symptoms of tiredness, stress, fatigue and, how not, to strengthen our immune system.

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