The Benefits Of Green Coffee You Need To Know About

Green coffee offers very beneficial properties: it is antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, helps to regulate blood pressure and stabilize glucose levels.
The benefits of green coffee you need to know

Green coffee is nothing more than the unroasted coffee beans we are used to drinking. They contain chlorogenic acid, which is lost when roasted. The chlorogenic acid in green coffee is believed to have many properties and benefits for our health. In this article, we will explain what they are.

Green coffee: less popular, healthier

What is the difference between “normal” and green coffee? Basically the type of treatment they receive. The first is roasted and the second is kept as it is extracted from the plant.

It is the same grain, although the green is more natural and its nutrients are intact. The aroma is less intense and the flavor a little more bitter, but it’s worth a try.

Green coffee is in fashion as many claim that it has slimming properties. However, as we already know, there are no magic formulas. To lose weight, the important thing is to follow a balanced diet and exercise.

The benefits of green coffee and its antioxidant power

Green coffee, a powerful antioxidant

The main components of coffee beans are caffeine and chlorogenic acid. When they go through the roasting process, the action of the first increases and that of the second is reduced. However, when leaving it in its natural form, the most present nutrient is the last one.

Studies prove that chlorogenic acid is a powerful antioxidant that has many health benefits. It is recommended for diabetics, hypertensives and cardiac patients.

Balances the glucose

The metabolism of blood sugar is unbalanced when we suffer from diabetes. Green coffee has the ability to regulate blood glucose levels.

However, if you suffer from this disease, we recommend consulting your doctor before starting to drink green coffee.

Treats arthritis and rheumatic pain

These are the two most common illnesses in the elderly. To alleviate symptoms (inflammation, redness and pain, mainly), green coffee is of great help. This is due to its anti-inflammatory effects.

improves concentration

The consumption of an infusion made with green coffee beans or the ingestion of the extract serves to increase brain activity. As a result, they increase concentration and attention, as well as memory. It is recommended for times of hard work, study or other obligations.

lowers blood pressure

Again we have to talk about chlorogenic acid, which is responsible for offering this benefit to people who drink green coffee. The recommended dose to regulate hypertension is half a cup a day. It can also be consumed by people with hypotension.

The benefits of green coffee to lose weight

Green coffee to lose weight

Green coffee is famous for its use in weight loss. Chlorogenic acid is also credited with a satiating effect. So it’s related to weight loss.

It is worth clarifying that green coffee alone does not work miracles, and that we must accompany it with a balanced diet and physical exercise several times a week.

How can green coffee help us lose weight?

Favors thermogenesis

By increasing the body temperature (as happens, for example, with ginger) the metabolic processes of burning calories are accelerated.

Transforms fat stores

Green coffee helps the fats we accumulate in different parts of the body to become heat energy. What does that mean? That you will have more strength to train, exercise or carry out your daily activities.

Diuretic effect

Green coffee also stands out for its purifying action. In addition, it helps in fluid retention and helps reduce cellulite.

satiates the appetite

Drinking a cup of green coffee gives us a feeling of fullness longer. Therefore, it is recommended to consume it when we have a lot of appetite. It is also good to eat it an hour before lunch or dinner.

The procedure is simple: the infusion increases the intestinal secretion of a neuropeptide responsible for sending signals to the brain when the stomach is full.

Green coffee is popular for all the benefits listed above. However, there are not enough studies to support these properties. On the other hand, don’t forget that we’re still talking about coffee, a drink that can have caffeine-related side effects.

Also, if you have any health problems, it is best to consult your doctor before drinking green coffee. The ideal is to follow a healthy lifestyle, with a balanced diet and exercise, without the excessive use of nutritional supplements.

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