The 6 Best Fruits To Detoxify Your Body

Including these fruits to detoxify your body will help us enjoy better digestion and allow us to detoxify the body from the excesses we commit on weekends.
The 6 Best Fruits to Detoxify Your Body

To combat the effects of excesses in the body, there are very effective fruits to detoxify the body. We’ll explain more in this article.

While the body works day and night to process abundant meals, sugar and toxins, it  is necessary to provide more nutrients  to reduce the overload we are causing at this time.

Fortunately, it is not necessary to resort to strict eating plans or expensive supplements to deal with this problem.

Are you interested in meeting them? Discover the 6 best fruits to detoxify your body.

Fruits to detoxify your body

1. lemon

Lemon to detoxify the body

Lemon is a detoxifying fruit par excellence that, in  addition to cleaning the blood, improves digestion and kidney health.

  • First, its high vitamin C content helps to overcome the body’s defenses, especially after drinking alcohol.
  • Furthermore, it is a slight alkaline effect that reduces acidity caused by irritating or abundant foods.
  • Finally, its antioxidant compounds protect tissues against the harmful action of toxins and, in addition, help in the digestion of fats.

2. Guava

The consumption of guava in its natural state, or in its juice,  stimulates the purification of the liver and kidneys,  facilitating the elimination of waste trapped inside.

  • First of all, this fruit contains more vitamin C than other citrus fruits, which makes it stand out as an ally of the immune system.
  • In addition, it provides significant amounts of dietary fiber, a nutrient that improves bowel movement for good digestion.
  • It also calms the excessive production of acidic juices in the stomach and helps reduce indigestion symptoms.
  • Finally, it is ideal for fighting hangovers, as it increases the energy level and facilitates the metabolism of alcoholic toxins.

3. Grapefruit

sliced ​​grapefruit

Grapefruit is known for its diuretic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is a low-calorie fruit that was popularized for its slimming effects some time ago.

What many don’t realize is that, in addition to what was mentioned, it  is one of the best foods to increase blood cleansing  and that is why it is one of the best fruits to detoxify your body at Christmas.

  • First, it contains antioxidant substances that improve kidney function by helping to remove toxins through the urine.
  • On the other hand, it protects cells against oxidative stress and prevents imbalances in inflammatory processes.
  • Finally, light fiber intake helps improve digestion  and prevents discomfort related to overeating.

4. Melon

Most melon is made up of water. This property, and its antioxidants, stand out as a powerful digestive and detoxifier.

  • Without a doubt, its diuretic action combats fluid retention  and facilitates the elimination of waste through the urine.
  • In addition, it contains B-complex vitamins, necessary to overcome the body’s functions before certain excesses.
  • On the other hand, your vitamins and minerals outweigh the loss of nutrients that dehydration produces when consuming alcoholic beverages.
  • Finally, it improves digestion of irritating foods and neutralizes excess acidic juices.

5. green apple

Green apple

Eating an unripe apple every day is one of the many ways to support the body cleansing process during the holidays and that’s why it’s another fruit to detoxify your body at Christmas.

  • This fruit is an important source of antioxidant compounds and essential minerals that, by improving the functioning of the liver, kidneys and colon, ensure the proper elimination of waste.
  • It contains high doses of dietary fiber, especially in its husk, which  helps to treat heavy digestion.
  • Its organic acids regulate the pH of the stomach and prevent discomfort such as heartburn.

6. Plums are also great fruits to detoxify your body

The prunes, being rich in dietary fiber, help to stimulate it  to avoid interfering with waste disposal.

  • Its antioxidant compounds protect cells from the negative impact of toxins from food and alcohol.
  • They serve as “food” for the bacterial flora of the intestine, avoiding losses in defenses.
  • They have a mild anti-inflammatory effect that fights abdominal swelling.
  • Its energetic power overcomes the body before the fatigue  caused by the end of the day and the bad habits of those dates.

Do you include these fruits to detoxify your body? If you haven’t tried this technique yet, we recommend that you adopt these habits to enjoy the benefits of fruit.

As a complement, try to avoid overeating as much as possible and consume plenty of water.

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