The 6 Best Alkaline Foods On The Planet

Consuming alkaline foods is essential to maintain the balance of our body, as an acidic environment can favor the development of different health problems

Do you know the importance of alkaline foods for our body?

Did you know that the pH of the blood must be balanced so that we don’t develop serious illnesses?

Although you may be ignoring it, most health disorders have something to do with excess acidity resulting from poor diet.

Unfortunately, the market is currently full of a lot of acid-generating and calorie-laden foods.

Thus, refined cereals, processed foods and red meat are a tiny part of the large list of ingredients with these effects.

If we add to that the stress and the toxic substances that are released into the environment, it is not strange that there are more and more sick organisms or with some kind of pathology.

Fortunately, thanks to foods loaded with antioxidants and essential nutrients, it is possible to regulate the pH of the blood to avoid the negative effects.

As it is essential to include them more regularly in the diet, below we will share the 6 best alkaline foods for everyone to be more attentive. Check out!

The best alkaline foods on the planet

1. Spinach

One of the most complete foods from a nutritional point of view is spinach. Contains vitamins, minerals, proteins and fiber  that benefit many of the body’s main functions.

Like other green foods, this one is rich in chlorophyll, an alkalizing substance that is beneficial to the blood.

With its consumption we can obtain:

  • Vitamins (A, C, B2, B9, E and K)
  • Minerals (manganese, magnesium, potassium, calcium and iron)
  • Dietary fiber

2. Kale

Kale is a cruciferous vegetable that stands out in alternative medicine for, for example, its ability to detoxify the body and reduce cholesterol.

In addition, it contains a large amount of antioxidants that inhibit oxidative damage and the action of various types of cancer cells.

So, although it’s not as famous as other vegetables, it’s worth consuming to balance the body’s alkalinity.

In general, kale is a source of:

  • Vitamins (A, C and K)
  • glucosinolates
  • Chlorophyll
  • Minerals (potassium, zinc and iron)

3. cucumber

The main benefits of cucumber are attributed to 95% of water in its composition. This not only makes it one of the lowest calorie foods, it also makes it one of nature’s most alkaline.

It contains important amounts of antioxidants, such as lignans, which are associated with the prevention of chronic diseases.

What’s more, its versatility allows us to include it in our diet in many different ways, making it a base for more alkaline eating.

Thus, some of the nutrients it provides are:

  •  Vitamin (A, C, K and B complex)
  • Minerals (magnesium, selenium, copper, potassium, iron and zinc)

4. Broccoli

For nutrition and health, everyone should add at least 4 servings of broccoli to their weekly diet.

This vegetable is a source of chlorophyll, antioxidants and dietary fiber that decrease blood acidity and excess toxins.

Furthermore, it is recommended to improve cardiovascular health, support metabolic processes and strengthen the immune system.

Thus, it is a source of nutrients such as:

  • Vitamins (A, B2, B6, B9, C and K)
  • Minerals (manganese, potassium, magnesium and calcium)
  • Protein

5. Avocado

Many people have excluded avocados from their eating plans because more than 85% of their calories come from fat.

However, this was a mistake, as it is a series of healthy fats that help us gain weight.

On the contrary, this substance participates in lowering cholesterol levels and increasing high-density lipoproteins.

Avocado reduces acidity in the body and protects us from imbalances caused by inflammatory processes.

You can find in avocado:

  • Dietary fiber
  • Vitamins (B5, B6, B9, C and K)
  • Potassium

6. Lemons

Because of the flavor that citric acid gives it, many people think that lemon is part of the group of foods that cause acidity.

This is also a common mistake as it is one of the most alkaline ingredients.

Each fruit has a pH level that reaches 9.0, which in the digestion process favors blood alkalinity.

Also, lemon stands out as a source of:

  • Vitamins (A, C, and E)
  • Minerals (potassium, iron, zinc and magnesium)
  • Dietary fiber
  • Antioxidants

The foods we’ve mentioned here are just a part of what you can include in your diet to alkalize your body.

Try to include them in your diet several times a week and use them as substitutes for those that generate acidity.

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