The 10 Foods Not To Eat Before Bed

Sausages, red meats and foods high in sugar are some of the options you should avoid eating before bed.
The 10 foods not to eat before bed

The last choice of the day is important

you may experience digestive discomfort and other discomforts.

Foods not to eat before bedtime

1. Butter

Foods not to eat before bedtime

Butter can be used in many recipes, but because of its high saturated fat content, it’s not good to consume it before bed.

Even though in general its consumption should be moderate, it is better to  avoid it at night, as it can lead to digestive difficulties.


3. Ice cream

ice cream balls

It’s a bad idea to calm night cravings with a bowl of ice cream. This food concentrates high doses of fats, sugars and added compounds that  alter the metabolism and activity of the nervous system.

When consuming it, digestion slows down and discomforts such as pain and inflammation may appear, which affect rest.

4. Hot sauces

Hot sauces add a touch of flavor to many recipes. However, they should not be consumed at night, as they alter the production of acidic juices in the stomach.

Ingesting it before going to bed  can trigger episodes of acid reflux and heartburn. In addition, they contain a lot of calories and can promote being overweight.

5. Stuffed meats

Foods You Shouldn't Eat Before Bedtime: Stuffed Meat

They always look fresh and appetizing, but they are full of fats and chemicals that can be harmful to the body.

In general, it is essential to limit your consumption as much as possible to avoid overweight problems. Eating them at night can be even worse, as they are heavy on metabolism and digestion. 

6. Cheeses

The downside of eating cheese before bed is that it contains an amino acid known as tyramine, which  reduces the production of hormones that regulate sleep.

It is a heavy food, rich in fat, which can cause inflammatory imbalances and stomach ailments.

7. Bread


Bread and other baked goods seem like a quick option to combat the feeling of hunger. However, they should not be consumed before bedtime, as they are an extra load of unnecessary calories.

Its content of refined flours and sugars  negatively impacts metabolic health  and increases the risk of overweight and blood glucose problems.

8. Chocolate

Eating a small portion of dark chocolate a day has many benefits. This food is full of antioxidants and essential amino acids that promote physical and mental well-being.

However, it is not recommended to consume it at night, since  among its ingredients there are also stimulant substances that prevent rest.

9. Red meats

Foods not to eat before bed: Red meat

Red meat contains proteins and saturated fats that make it  difficult for the digestive system to work during the rest period.

Even though their nutrients are beneficial when consumed in a moderate way, it is best to avoid them at night so as not to suffer interruptions in sleep.

10. Coffee

Coffee and other beverages containing caffeine should be avoided at this time of day. Even though in small doses they provide a feeling of well-being, they also put the brain in a state of alert. This means that, once assimilated, they will keep the organism awake, at least for several hours.

It’s better to have a light dinner early

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