Tension Headache: Easy And Effective Remedies

Sometimes stress is your main trigger, but there are also other factors we need to consider.
Tension headache: easy and effective remedies

Who has never had tension headaches on any occasion? It is an overwhelming, enveloping pain that can range from the forehead to the back of the neck. This type of pain has become a constant reality among the population.

The main question is: how to deal with tension headache and relieve it before it becomes chronic? Check out!

Tension headache: the importance of knowing its origins

tension headache

Doctors say that if we suffer from tension headache between 7 and 10 days a month, we can consider it episodic.

However, when we have the same problem for two weeks in a row and every month of the year, we run the risk of suffering from chronic headache.

It is normal, for example, to arrive home with a feeling of tiredness that is especially concentrated in the head.

Like a crown exerting pressure or like a ribbon around our temples, forehead, and the back of our neck. These types of pains can differ from those of a migraine in that they are not limited to just one side of the head.

But what causes the pain? What are the most classic triggering factors for tension headaches?

Triggering factors for tension headache

Muscle tension

It occurs when we remain in the same position for a long time and tense or when we maintain monotonous body postures for several hours.

Want an example? Working in front of a computer or a machine in a factory are activities that force us to make repetitive movements.

watch your eyesight

Fixing vision for many hours in front of a computer screen or studying for a long time can result in visual fatigue that almost always translates into classic tension headaches.

the stress

Do not doubt! Daily life, worries, anxiety and all thoughts, on occasions with a high negative charge, always bring us very severe side effects on a physical level, beware!

Properly controlling our daily stress will allow us to improve our quality of life and avoid things as common as tension headaches.

Bad eating habits

Do you usually leave home with just a cup of coffee in your stomach? Or skipping dinner in order to lose weight?

So you need to know that you’re risking your health, since with fewer nutrients, the body becomes weak, which often leads to a headache.

high voltage

Hypertension is a direct cause of tension headache. Headache, nausea, and malaise are direct symptoms that the heart is pumping blood harder against the artery walls.

Remedies for tension headache

tension headache

1. Cold-heat treatment

Heat and cold are effective treatments for tension headaches. But how to do it? Simple!

Imagine that you come home today with an uncomfortable tension headache. What you should do is make a cold compress soaked in apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar acts as a good relaxant. So, soak a cloth with this product and leave it in the freezer for a few minutes. Then apply it to the forehead and let it work for approximately fifteen minutes.

After this time, take a relaxing shower with hot water. It doesn’t take a lot of time, just enough time to take a jet of hot water over the head and back of the neck.

After that, lie down for fifteen or twenty minutes and apply another cold compress. However, this time, soaked in lavender water or a cold rosemary infusion. A very easy and effective treatment.

2. Ginger infusion

We’ve talked on several occasions about the great benefits of ginger. One of its best known properties is that it acts as a natural analgesic without side effects. It is wonderful!

Its anti-inflammatory power is very effective in calming tension headaches at once.

To benefit from it, it is enough to grate a piece equivalent to a tablespoon and add this grate to a cup of boiling water. Let it sit and drink slowly.

3. Mint-based eye mask

The procedure will be as follows:

  • Make an infusion with 10 mint leaves in half a glass of water. Once ready, put to cool in the refrigerator.
  • Soak a compress with the chilled infusion.
  • Lie down and apply the mint-soaked compress over your eyes. Stay like this for at least 20 minutes.
  • Keep your eyes closed and relax. This will help not only because it feels fresh and relaxes the eyes, but also because the scent of mint is potentially relaxing.
  • When you notice that the compress has warmed up, re-soak it with the fresh infusion.
  • Another option is to use peppermint oil.

4. One spoon of olive oil with lemon juice

tension headache

This simple remedy is very well known. It is known that olive oil helps to deflate, moisturises and promotes circulation. Combined with lemon juice, it becomes a natural medicine that suits us very well to treat tension headaches.

You can, for example, take a tablespoon of olive oil with 3 drops of lemon and then rest on the sofa with the mint compress we taught you to make earlier.

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