Sugar-free And Milk-free Coconut Flane

Although we sometimes run away when preparing a coconut parsnip, because of an excess of calories, there are healthier alternatives. This sugar-free, milk-free coconut parsnip recipe is a nutritious and healthy choice.
Coconut Flan without sugar and without milk

A delicious, healthy and remorseless dessert option is the sugar-free and milk-free coconut parsnip. Parsnip is one of the most delicious and most consumed desserts around the world.

Thanks to a few small changes, it is possible to enjoy this delicious dessert more often, as  these recipes do not contain any percentage of sugar or milk.

Coconut Flan: a delicious dessert

Parsnip is one of the most delicious and popular desserts in the world. Its creaminess and flavor is unparalleled. Therefore, it is always an excellent option to share or simply enjoy alone.

Coconut for the coconut parsnip

Fortunately, some cooks and chefs made modifications to the original recipe and were able to create an equally delicious but much healthier dessert. In this way,  the coconut parsnip without sugar and milk becomes one of the best options  when it comes to combining flavor and nutrition.

Coconut Flan without sugar and without milk


  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cup of grated coconut (optional) (200 g)
  • 2 glasses of almond, coconut or hazelnut milk (400 ml). It can also be substituted for skimmed milk.
  • 1 scoop of vanilla essence (5 ml)
  • 1/2 scoop of powdered stevia or sweetener (2 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of brown sugar (30 g)

Ingredients for caramel

  • Between 1 and 2 scoops of water (15 or 30 ml)
  • 3 scoops of brown sugar (45 g)

Method of preparation

  1. First, start with preparing the caramel. To do this, place the brown sugar together with the water in a non-stick pan or skillet over low heat. It is important not to constantly stir the mixture, just be careful not to stick. Once the caramel is ready, place it in the base of the parsnip pan and set aside.
  2. Soon after, beat the eggs along with the sweetener. Add the vanilla essence, milk and grated coconut little by little.
  3. On the other hand, place the mixture in the tin with the caramel and start to cook it in the Maria bath oven. To do this, fill an oven tray halfway with water. Place the parsnip shape on top.
  4. Afterwards, heat the oven to a temperature between 180 º and 200 ºC. The time for a medium sized parsnip can vary between 40 and 45 minutes. However, it is important to be very careful, as if the mold is smaller, it can cook in 30 minutes.
  5. Finally, skewer the parsnip with a wooden toothpick and remove it from the oven when it comes out clean.
milk and coconut

Sugar-free flan with skimmed milk


  • 2 cups of skimmed milk (400 ml)
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cup of dehydrated coconut (150 g)
  • 1 scoop of vanilla essence (5 ml)
  • 3 scoops of sweetener (15 g)
  • 2 scoops of sweetener for caramel (10 g)

Method of preparation

  1. First, make the caramel. To do this, place 2 tablespoons of sweetener with 2 tablespoons of water in a frying pan at low temperature.
  2. At the same time, stir sporadically to prevent the caramel that is forming from sticking. Once it’s done and before it hardens, pour the mixture into the parsnip pan.
  3. On the other hand, start mixing, with your hands or with the help of a mixer or blender, the milk, vanilla, sweetener and coconut. Then place the mixture in the shape or shapes that the caramel is in.
  4. Afterwards, cook the parsnip in a Maria bath in the oven, for approximately 30 to 40 minutes at 180 ºC. The point will be when you insert a toothpick and it comes out completely dry.
  5. Once the parsnip is ready, remove it from the oven and let it cool naturally. It is recommended to place the dessert in the refrigerator  for at least two hours before consuming.

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