Stretches In Pregnancy: Back, Hips And Legs

Stretching during pregnancy will help prevent and relieve back and hip pain. Additionally, they can help prevent leg cramps and control weight.
Stretches in pregnancy: back, hips and legs

During the pregnancy phase, due to the changes that occur in the pregnant woman’s body, it is normal for her to suffer pain in the back, hips and legs. In this sense, stretching during pregnancy can work both as a relief and as a prevention. In this article, we recommend some of them.

Stretches during pregnancy

Stretching during pregnancy can help alleviate back, hips and leg problems in pregnant women, and help prevent them. However, the benefits are greater: they can help you stay fit, relaxed, and even prepare for delivery.

In any case, it is a stage where limitations and conditions must always be taken into account. Therefore, in relation to the stretching exercises during pregnancy that we propose, never go overboard and look for a gentle stretch. Also, always avoid postures that put pressure on the belly.

On the other hand, although exercise is recommended during pregnancy, it is always better to take the advice of an expert. Also, remember that it is not convenient to do so in the following cases:

  • high risk pregnancy
  • Women threatened with abortion
  • Low placental problems and other conditions

Benefits of stretching during pregnancy

However, in addition to that, stretching is also a highly recommended exercise for postural problems. In this sense, they help us to have good postural hygiene and to relieve or prevent pain.

On the other hand, these problems increase in pregnancy. By moving the center of gravity, the lower back supports greater loads, hence the pain typical of pregnant women. Therefore, stretching during pregnancy can help alleviate these discomforts. Also, they will help maintain a better sense of balance.

Finally, if they are successful, that is, controlling their breathing and breathing deeply and slowly, stretches help with general relaxation, which will have great benefits for both mother and baby.

cat stretch

woman doing cat posture

This stretching exercise during pregnancy will help you to relieve and prevent sciatica and back pain.

  • First, get on all fours, with your hands on the floor shoulder-length apart.
  • Then slowly arch your back.
  • Then arch down with slow, conscious movements.
  • Finally, repeat 5 times.

Pelvis Elevation: Bridge Exercise

Pregnant woman, pelvis, lifting, exercise

This will help alleviate lower back and hip problems .

  • First, lie down.
  • Then bend your knees, leaving the soles of your feet on the floor.
  • Then push your hips up so that your lower back and pelvic area is elevated.
  • Remember that all movements should be done in a relaxed, conscious and slow way.
  • Then hold the position for a few seconds.
  • Finally, repeat 10 times.


on tiptoe

This exercise will help you avoid problems like leg cramps or pain.

  • First, stand up.
  • Then slowly go up on your toes. Breathe in the air.
  • Then, as you exhale, slowly descend until your heels are completely on the floor.
  • Finally, repeat at least 5 times.

Femoral stretch

Exercise for pregnancy: Femoral stretch.
  • First, lie down on a solid surface.
  • Then take a ribbon and place it on one of your feet.
  • With the help of the tape, lift your leg as far as you can, being very careful not to feel discomfort or pressure in your belly.
  • Hold this position for a few seconds, breathing properly.
  • Finally, repeat with the other leg.

leg stretches

Girl in black doing leg stretches.
  • First, sit cross-legged butterfly style.
  • Then straighten one of your legs.
  • Then lean your body toward the straight leg.
  • Remember that your movements should always be slow, gentle, mindful, and that your breathing should be controlled during your movements.
  • Finally, repeat with the other leg.

back stretches

Back stretch.
  • First, sit on your heels, with your back straight.
  • Then link your fingers together and slowly lift them up.
  • Press up so your back is as straight as possible.
  • Also, always keep control of your breathing.
  • On the other hand, if you want, you can also tilt your torso slightly to one side and the other.


We must conclude this article by indicating a short list of precautions to be taken into account:

  • Ask your doctor first.
  • If possible, it is best to do the exercises in the company of a trainer or trainer.
  • Perform the exercises once a day. They must be routine.
  • Always control your breathing by inhaling and exhaling slowly and deeply.
  • Wear appropriate exercise clothing.
  • Hydration is essential in pregnancy, especially before, during and after exercise.
  • Avoid completely solid or soft surfaces. For this, it is ideal to use non-slip mats or mats.
  • Do not press your stomach at any time.
  • In case of discomfort during exercise, stop immediately.
  • Finally, combine your stretching routine with low-impact aerobic exercise (walking, swimming, aqua gym, etc.).

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