Sleep Disorders In Teenagers: Learn More

In adolescence, some habits and lifestyles can put night rest at risk. Thus, they will not perform properly in their daily activities such as school.
Sleep Disorders in Adolescents: Learn More

To avoid sleep disorders in teenagers, it is important that your child sleep at least 8 hours a day to achieve well-being. Therefore, it is good to know the different causes and factors that make it difficult. Only then will it be possible to solve the problem.

Advice to Avoid Sleep Disorders in Teens

1. Prevent and fight overweight

To prevent sleep disorder in teenagers, make your child control their weight

One study showed a  relationship between adolescents with more difficulty in falling asleep and their body mass index,  which was higher than the rest. This confirms the problem of childhood and youth obesity, which is increasingly serious.

At the same time, the same thing happens in reverse. In other words,  sleep disorders in adolescents influence their eating habits. This, if left untreated, contributes to worsening obesity.

In this sense, a balanced diet rich in vegetables, legumes, whole grains, lean meat, fish and eggs is essential. At the very least,  meals at home should be based on these food groups  and avoid flours, fried foods and sugars.

However, physical activity is also essential to maintain weight. Adolescents  should practice sports activities and avoid being sedentary in their daily lives. 

2. Regulate cell phone usage

Another of the reasons why sleep disorders in adolescents have increased is the new technologies. The amount of hours they spend on their cell phone, computer, television or video games is, for parents, difficult to control.

These devices expose teenagers to overstimulation that is very harmful to their health. It discretely affects the nervous system and alters the body’s natural biorhythms, which affects sleep.

However, this  is a factor that not only affects teenagers, but also parents. This is a measure that must be addressed by the entire family. There should be a common responsibility to regulate the use of these devices and to avoid them in the hours before bedtime.

3. To control sleep in teenagers, find out if they smoke

Teenage smoking

There may also  be a relationship between bad smoking and poor sleep quality among young people. For the same reason, quitting tobacco can help you sleep better.

To overcome nicotine addiction, it is necessary to approach it from different levels and receive the understanding and patience of family members. Furthermore, it  is possible that the teenager needs some kind of support to achieve this.

4. The parents’ nighttime hours

Finally, there is another factor that appears in studies related to sleep disorders in adolescents:  the parents’ nighttime hours, for example, when one of them works the night shift.

Therefore, it is essential to  respect as much as possible the sleeping schedule with silence and quiet in the house. If teenagers are already having difficulty falling asleep, it is easy for anything to wake them up easily.

general advice

To avoid sleep disorder in teenagers, make your child on a good mattress.
  • Go to bed every night at the same time.
  • Follow a balanced diet and be aware of the foods that are eaten at night.
  • Avoid abuse of stimulant drinks (coffee, tea, cola drinks, energy drinks).
  • Fight obesity.
  • Avoid sedentary lifestyle and perform some physical activity several times a week.
  • Avoid tobacco and alcohol.
  • Control cell phone use and technologies in general, especially in the hours before bedtime.
  • Look for stable schedules at home and avoid nighttime activities that might disturb the family’s rest.
  • The dormitory must be a quiet place, without light and with a suitable temperature.
  • In some cases, sleep disorders can also be related to an excess of tasks or social activities or work.

In conclusion, now that you have some tips to help teenagers sleep and get restful rest. Only in this way will you be able to surrender and respond to the responsibilities of your age.

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