Simple Tips To Get Rid Of Cellulite

In addition to preventing and eliminating cellulite, exercise also ensures the proper functioning of the organs. Good nutrition and hydration are also important.

Cellulite forms due to a blockage of blood in the blood vessels, which makes it difficult to oxygenate tissues and eliminate toxins. It usually occurs on the knees, legs, arms, abdomen, waist and buttocks.

There are three types of cellulite. Are they:

  • The incipient, which is superficial and can be fought more easily;
  • The flaccid one, which is a little more difficult to correct and eliminate;
  • Edema is more serious, as it causes pain and swelling and must be treated with medical treatment.

Causes of cellulite

  • genetic factors
  • Circulatory Problems
  • Deficiency of organs such as kidneys and lungs
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Stress
  • Sedentary life

Habit changes to fight cellulite

Fight cellulite

time to eat

The first step to get rid of cellulite is to eliminate bad fats, alcohol and fizzy drinks, and at the same time increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables.

When it’s time to dress

Even if we don’t pay much attention, the clothes we wear can be responsible for a good part of the cellulite that appears on the body; therefore, it is recommended to eliminate clothes that are too tight and too elastic from the wardrobe, as they hinder good blood circulation.

In other words, in the list of clothes that can harm, there are pants, belts, underwear with seams and elastics, everything that is tighter.

Practice exercises

Practicing aerobic exercise at least three times a week will be critical to achieving this goal.

It is also essential to look for activities such as running, swimming or cycling. Exercising is not only good for preventing and eliminating cellulite, but also for ensuring the proper functioning of the body’s organs.

Massage the most affected regions

The purpose of this is to encourage good blood circulation in the blood vessels. So, make circles with light taps, as if you were kneading the region.

take care of the weight

Remember that cellulite forms thanks to fat and poor circulation; therefore, if you gain a lot of weight, the incidence of cellulite will be higher.

Otherwise, if you lose weight, it will be easier to fight them with exercise, creams and good nutrition.

It is also necessary to remember that the problems that excess weight can bring to the body and health are many, so it is necessary to maintain a healthy diet and good exercise habits.

stay away from the salt

Salt makes the body retain fluids, so the toxins stay in the body longer, causing problems such as cellulite, constipation, among others.

Home Remedies for Cellulite

Oat and seaweed soap

These products can be easily found at health food stores. To use them, just bathe the affected areas with oat soap, rinse and then use seaweed soap.

Pass the two in a circular motion to encourage the blood vessels to function properly.


Crush half a papaya and add approximately four tablespoons of brown sugar. This sugar will be essential to moisturize and exfoliate your skin.

Then, mix everything very well until you get a homogeneous paste and apply to the areas affected by cellulite. Papaya will help eliminate dead cells and keep the skin firmer.

Green tea

We will be very brief in mentioning the benefits of green tea. In this sense, it will be vital to eliminate cellulite as it is an antioxidant and a diuretic.


The dandelion infusion is one of the most recommended, as it improves blood circulation and helps to eliminate fluids and waste from the body.

It also purifies the kidneys, which is recommended in cases of fluid retention and urinary infections. Finally, this infusion works as a mild laxative, so it relieves constipation and gastric disorders.


Lemon to fight cellulite

In addition, it is possible to make a simple lemon infusion to lose weight and eliminate cellulite. Lemon helps to cleanse the body and eliminate concentrated fat.

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