Say What You Eat And I’ll Tell You What You Have

A balanced diet is synonymous with a healthy body, so we should not forget to base our diet on the consumption of fruits and vegetables, as well as healthy fats.
Say what you eat and I'll tell you what you have

Food plays a very important role in our life and in our health, as through it we can offer the body the nutrients and substances it needs to function properly. That way, we’ll show you that what you eat is critical.

However, at the other extreme of good nutrition, bad nutrition could become the worst enemy of health. This is because unhealthy foods lack nutrients and are loaded with substances that can harm the body.

The numbers of bad diets in the world are very worrying, as the pace of daily life added to the economic interest of the food industry has made many people see fast food as a food option.

Pizza, hamburgers, fries, hot dogs, processed meats, sweets and soft drinks, among others. These foods are turning our eating habits into a veritable time bomb against health.

Myths and truths about what you eat

The subject of food is very broad, and it would be necessary to analyze each diet separately to determine possible health problems related to it.

However, on a general level, there are several ways to analyze what you eat to get an idea of ​​what kind of condition we may have, or have already suffered from.


It is important to learn to differentiate the types of proteins needed by our bodies from those that can harm us. Proteins of vegetable origin and those from lean meats have a positive effect on the body. They help to build muscle mass and also to strengthen it.

On the other hand, red meat contains toxic fats, toxin residues, medications, solvents, additives and hormones, among other compounds that can affect the digestive system and cause illness.

Several researches have determined that eating red meat five times a week leads to a four times greater risk of suffering from colon cancer, compared to those who consume it once a month.


Myths about what you eat

For decades it was said that the consumption of milk was essential to obtain adequate levels of calcium for the body. However, the truth is that this information has been disproved. It is now known that we do not necessarily need to drink milk to get calcium.

What research has found is that milk consumption is related to the emergence of different health problems. For example, circulatory, respiratory, allergies and diabetes problems, among others.

Also, it is known that it contains proteins like casein, which could influence the development of different types of cancer.


This food is one of the most consumed in the world, and also one of the most harmful for the body. Sugar leads to addiction and, in addition, it is the main cause of diabetes, a disease that affects 300 million people worldwide, and which a year causes about 5% of deaths.

Sugar reduces immunity, feeds cancer cells, releases adrenaline, accumulates fat, and causes nervousness and depression.

The Modified Food Pyramid

Benefits of Salad and What You Eat

Until some time ago, the food pyramid had sweets at the top, followed by dairy, fruits and vegetables, and finally carbohydrates.

Currently, the pyramid has been completely modified. Now contains the above hydrates, followed by dairy and red wine. Below are dried fruits, poultry, fish, seafood and whole grains.

Lastly, at the base of the pyramid are fruits, vegetables, extra virgin olive oil and healthy fats rich in omega 3.

Everyone should be aware of what kind of food they are eating and what food they are consuming. Thus, it can provide the body with essential nutrients for each of its functions.

The lack of nutrients can cause several health problems in the short term, which can even be difficult to solve. In addition, it is important to remember that poor diet is the main cause of obesity, cardiovascular problems, depression, liver and kidney problems, among others.

Another important point is that foods lose many of their properties during processing and cooking. It is recommended to eat, whenever possible, organic foods, as they contain less added chemicals. Furthermore, they have not been subjected to fertilizers and pesticides that can negatively affect health.

Finally, it is very important to pay attention to the nutritional control of what you eat when you suffer from any type of eating disorder. If necessary, the lack of nutrients must be satisfied through the consumption of supplements. However, the ideal is always to eat them through natural foods.

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