Recommendations For Maintaining Healthy Eating When Eating Out

Healthy eating outside is possible. Just follow a few tricks, like not arriving at the place too hungry and ordering dishes to share.
Recommendations for maintaining a healthy diet when eating out

Do you want to control your weight when eating out? You might think that’s not possible, but with the recommendations we’ll give you in this article, you’ll find that you can eat out in a healthy way. Don’t miss it!

How to eat out in a healthy way?

Maintaining a balanced diet when eating out seems impossible, as restaurants usually offer caloric and unhealthy options. Several studies show that  eating out is related to being overweight and obese.

According to a Cambridge study, more than 90% of main dishes sold in restaurants have an excess of calories, sodium, fat and, in particular, saturated fat. Also, children’s menus have more fats and sugars than adult menus. Therefore, it is not advisable to offer children a children’s menu, as these are even less healthy options than the rest of the menu.

before eating out

It is very important that you stand firm even before arriving at the restaurant, as this will have a great influence on your choices. Here are some tricks you should keep in mind:

  • Choose the restaurant in advance and book: if you know in advance where you’re going, you’ll know what kind of food the place serves and thus avoid entering the first place that comes along. Booking is also recommended as you will avoid having to wait if there are a lot of people in the place. If you have to wait, you may end up ordering an alcoholic drink or a snack that you could avoid if it were already at the table.
  • Review the menu in advance, if possible : many restaurants publish the menu on their website. Take a look around your home and you’ll know what to choose before you get there.
  • Don’t be hungry: If you arrive at the restaurant hungry, you’ll eat the bread and all the starters they offer before ordering, which you can avoid if you’re more satiated. Therefore, it is recommended that you eat some fruit before leaving the house.
friends eating in restaurant

During the meal at the restaurant

Once you apply these tricks before going to the restaurant, it will be much easier to eat healthily outside.

  • What can I drink? The most recommended option is water. If you want other options, you can choose sparkling water or, if you want something tastier, with a slice of lemon. You can also opt for natural juices, non-alcoholic beer or sugar-free soft drinks, although we know sugar-free soft drinks aren’t very suitable either.
  • Control the amount of bread you eat. Restaurants usually serve baskets full of bread. If you don’t want to eat bread, tell the waiter directly not to bring it. If you want to eat, ask him to bring you a small portion per person.
  • What options to ask for? First, think about vegetable dishes; remember that as your first course, you need to eat vegetables. After choosing the vegetables, select the protein you want to complete your dish. It can be meat, fish, egg or pulses. Avoid fried foods and fatty sauces.
  • Choose healthy side dishes : for example, swap fries for baked potatoes or salad. Do not include bread if your dish already contains flour or carbohydrates.
  • Order sauces separately : avoid broths and sauces on the food. If the sauce comes separately, you can serve a smaller amount so you don’t overdo it.
  • Share your dishes : Take a look around the tables to see if the size of the dishes helps you decide whether you should order individually or share. If they’re big, ask to share with someone and you’ll be able to control how much you eat. If there is food left over, you don’t have to eat it all; have them pack the rest to go.
  • What about dessert? If there is fruit in the restaurant, ask for fruit, otherwise natural juice, coffee or teas can be good options. If you want something sweet, you can share a dessert so you don’t feel like it.
Yogurt and pineapple dessert

How do you know if you overreacted?

Here are some signs that we overindulge in the meal:

  • When we get very thirsty in the hours after eating.
  • If the meal is heavy and we are not hungry for the rest of the day.
  • When  we get sleepy  after eating.

Apply these tricks and you will be able to eat healthy and tasty even outside the home. Is it possible to do that!

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