Purifying Infusion Of Honey, Vinegar And Tea

This infusion can help us lose weight if taken with meals. It also favors hair growth and improves the skin’s appearance.

A cleansing infusion is very beneficial to our health. Not only because it will help to detoxify the body, but also because it can be easily prepared with natural substances like honey, vinegar and tea.

Furthermore, it is economical and, being natural, is free from the side effects of other preparations with chemical ingredients.

So  if you brew these three ingredients together, you’re making a truly spectacular drink.

Honey properties

Honey is highly recommended for skin care and treatment, such as healing wounds and burns. This is due to its  antiseptic and mainly antimicrobial properties.  Also, it is a perfect astringent and softener, therefore, it is widely used in the preparation of masks.

The medicinal properties of honey are many, including the following:

  • Fights constipation;
  • Helps control insomnia and flu problems;
  • Helps in treating liver failure;
  • Controls the migraine.

Properties of Vinegar as a Purifying Infusion

Vinegar and purifying infusion

Vinegar is highly recommended due to the many medicinal properties that can help to control different problems.  Among them, we can include:

  • Relieves sinusitis symptoms;
  • Reduces sore throat;
  • Reduces acne manifestations;
  • Fights allergies;
  • Strengthens the immune system;
  • Relieves gout and arthritis problems;
  • Helps prevent muscle fatigue.

The properties of tea

There is a wide variety of teas and each one has a particular property, for example:

  • The  green tea  is known for its weight loss properties;
  • The  black tea  helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular problems;
  • The  White tea  contains high anti – cancer properties.

Honey, Vinegar and Tea: the Purifying and Miraculous Infusion


Making a purifying infusion with these three ingredients is spectacular, mainly due to the benefits that can be obtained in a very simple and quick way.

The great benefits of this infusion are:

  • Excellent detoxifier;
  • It has antibiotic and astringent properties;
  • Prevents bladder and kidney disease;
  • Prevents osteoporosis problems as well as other bone problems;
  • It ends with muscle pain and lack of energy;
  • Effectively prevents food poisoning. In addition, it decreases stomach heartburn;
  • Lowers blood pressure;
  • Controls blood cholesterol levels;
  • Helps with weight loss;
  • A powerful anti-aging blend;
  • Provides very beneficial components to restore hair and mainly improve the appearance of the skin;
  • It helps to strengthen your nails, making them grow much stronger and healthier.

Are you excited to prepare a delicious infusion of honey, vinegar and tea? So, comment on your experience and be sure to read our next articles.

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