Perfect Straight Hair: Know All The Tricks To Look Beautiful

Still dreaming of perfect straight hair? Want to say goodbye to your unruly hair, curls and frizz, but don’t know which option to choose? Keep reading and learn more
Perfect straight hair: know all the tricks to look beautiful

Still dreaming of a perfect slick? Want to say goodbye to your unruly hair, curls and frizz, but don’t know which option to choose? See some answers for those who are a first-time sailor on the subject of straight hair.

Is the flat iron efficient for straightening hair?

Yes, but it got wet, it was gone. There are several types of boards on the market, just choose.

Does a flat iron every day damage your hair?

Of course. Daily heat waves leave the strands dry and dull. To prevent it, you should moisturize your hair every week.

Also use a good heat shield before each use of the flat iron.

Does the progressive brush really work?

It works yes, but if you wash your hair every day, know that it will only last for 30 washes.

Dyed hair allows progressive?

Yes, but only after fifteen days after dyeing, if your hairdresser thinks the hairs are ready to receive one more chemistry. It will depend on the professional’s assessment.

Progressive brush needs care?

Yes, it is recommended to make keratin hydration or cauterization at least once a month.

Progressive or definitive, what’s the difference?

The difference is that the progressive brush acts only on the strands, without picking up the hair root. Already the final brush inserts chemical also in the hair root, so it has more durability.

Is the permanent brush really definitive?

No, the permanent brush lasts six months, regardless of the number of washes. The process takes its name from its greater durability in relation to the progressive.

Is the Moroccan better than the definitive one?

The Moroccan procedure allows you to wash your hair the next day, as well as allowing you to tie your hair the same day, things that are prohibited in the permanent brush.

Cleaning with the permanent brush is only allowed for at least two days after application.

What is the best brush for straight hair? Chocolate or strawberry?

Chocolate brush for straight hair

The chocolate brush is suitable for afro and very frizzy hair. The strawberry brush is indicated for lightly curly or straight hair when the person just wants to reduce the volume.

The effect of both exceeds expectations by using more natural products, without the need for the infamous formaldehyde. It also does not require the use of a dryer after washing, even without the formaldehyde in the hair. The durability of both is three months.

What is Photon Hair?

Unlike other brushes, Photon Hair lasts an average of 12 months. The system uses photonic technology to realign hair, carrying out transformations with the use of a light beam, called LED.

Advantages: it doesn’t damage the hair so much because it uses little ammonia, it lasts a lot and still allows you to change the look, leaving the ends curled. You can bleach it during application or use it on your already dyed hair.

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