Natural Remedy For Bloated Abdomen

Start adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet. Fried foods and soft drinks are the worst enemies of the flat stomach.
Natural Remedy for Bloated Abdomen

A swollen abdomen is something very common: you have finished eating and feel enormously heavy and with a voluminous “bellied” that is nothing like what we normally have.

What happened? Do we get fat fast? How long will this uncomfortable image and sensation last? No doubt it’s really annoying, as it can also be caused by several factors.

Fortunately, you can  alleviate a bloated abdomen with a few simple dietary tips. Stay tuned!

What Causes Swollen Abdomen?

eat too fast

Keep in mind that by eating fast you will not be able to get satiated quickly, on the contrary, you will remain hungry due to the fact that the feeling of satiety will take a while to reach the brain (it takes between 20 and 25 minutes).

Also, let’s bring in more air, which stores in the abdomen in a painful and uncomfortable way.

If you don’t chew well, salivary enzymes will not be introduced into your food.  This way, the enzymes will not mix properly with the carbohydrates and the carbohydrates will not be fermented as they should in the intestine.

What can I do to not eat so quickly?

For example, start your meals by serving dishes one by one, first with the salads.

Too many fried foods? Avoid!

Breaded, savory, fried potatoes, stews and stir-fries include a lot of oil in their preparation.

These oils are fats that are not well digested; they stay in our stomachs swelling up after every meal.

Solutions: Cook food on the grill, oven or steam alternating with frying.

Think, for example, that olive oil soaks less into food, and that it’s always better to let the fried food rest on absorbent kitchen paper to remove excess oil.

Do you drink a lot of fizzy drinks?

Drinking soft drinks swells the abdomen, of course.

Also, if they contain sugar, we eat so-called “empty calories” which add energy and contribute to weight gain.

Sparkling water, even though it doesn’t contain calories, can also cause this bloated belly feeling. It even increases if we take it with meals.

Fiber in the right measure

If we eat too little fiber we can suffer from constipation, but eating more than the body accepts is also negative.

It’s best to eat in a balanced way, because eating a lot of fiber causes diarrhea and abdominal bloating.

Take care of your digestive enzymes

Eating all foods with non-whole flours such as breakfast cereals, bread, biscuits, pasta and rice itself causes the digestive enzymes that our digestive system produces to run out; for the food eaten does not contain them.

This reduces our digestive strength, which causes abdominal bloating and gas.

Consume whole foods

The nutritional contributions of whole foods are unsurpassed: vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants.

In addition, they offer enzymes with positive effects on the digestive system, helping to fight the swollen abdomen.

Recommended diet to avoid bloated abdomen


  • Fresh fruit is very digestive, contains fiber and a lot of water; in addition, its fat content is very low, making it an excellent choice for a fruit salad.
  • Eat a variety of fruits if possible, it is not good to consume only one type.
  • Salads that combine, for example, lettuce, spinach and fruits such as pineapple and papaya are excellent for digestion.
  • Soybean sprouts, alfalfa, lentils: These are very healthy foods, loaded with vitamins and minerals and low in fat.
  • “Sauerkraut” or fermented cabbage: Its dietary fiber is very beneficial, thanks to the food fermentation process, making it much more digestive. Combine it with salads and excess salt can be relieved by adding water before serving. 
  • Orgeat:  It does not contain lactose and is served without sugar and cold. A very pleasant drink to consume and avoid abdominal bloating.

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