Natural Remedies To Increase The Amount Of Red Blood Cells

In addition to maintaining an adequate diet, exercise is also essential to increase the production of red blood cells and thus achieve an adequate level of oxygen throughout the body.

Feeling fragile, very tired, or lethargic can be synonymous with suffering from anemia. The most common cause of this problem is lack of iron, as well as certain nutritional deficiencies. If you want to increase your red blood cells in a natural way, be sure to read this article.

Why are red blood cells important?

The erythrocytes, red blood cells or red blood cells, are essential in our body, as they have the task of  transporting oxygen-filled blood to all body tissues,  while eliminating carbon dioxide.

They are red in color because they contain hemoglobin (an iron-rich protein). Over time, the blood cells die and the bone marrow takes care of manufacturing more.

However, for this to happen, the body must have the necessary “ingredients”. Otherwise, what is known as anemia occurs.

This condition is characterized by low or almost no production of red blood cells. The most common anemia is due to a low intake of iron in the diet.

To avoid this problem, adults should consume 8 mg of iron per day. For menstruating women, the amount increases to 18 mg daily.

Habit changes to have more red blood cells

It is very important to lead a healthier life, eat foods that contain iron and, above all, be careful not to suffer from anemia or low amount of red blood cells.

Some habit changes that can help are:

Add more iron-rich foods to your diet

Thus the body will have the ability to rebuild or replace those lost or damaged erythrocytes. Among the foods that offer iron, we find:

  • Lentils (and vegetables in general)
  • Spinach and Swiss Chard (and green leafy vegetables)
  • Plums and raisins
  • egg yolks
  • Red meat

Consume more copper and folic acid

These two nutrients are essential for the formation of red blood cells because they are also present in hemoglobin. To get more copper (the proper amount is 18 mg per day for women and 8 mg for men) we recommend taking:

  • poultry
  • Whole grains
  • molluscs
  • Chocolate
  • beans
  • Nuts

As for folic acid or vitamin B9 (400 mcg for adult women and 600 mcg daily for pregnant women), we can find it at:

  • whole grains
  • Vegetables (lentils and beans)
  • green vegetables
  • Nuts

Consume more vitamins A and C

The former contributes to the development of stem cells in the bone marrow, which means an increased production of red blood cells.

Where to get vitamin A?

  • Carrot
  • Bell pepper
  • Plum
  • Spinach
  • Damascus

To add more vitamin C to the body (500 mg per day is recommended) and to increase the production of red blood cells, citrus fruits, tomatoes and kiwis are an excellent option.

do more exercise

Although when a person has anemia it is likely that their desire to exercise is less, it is essential to start, even with a light routine (going for a walk, cycling, swimming, etc.).

As the weeks go by, the training can increase in difficulty.

Don’t forget that sport is key to producing red blood cells  and getting more oxygen throughout your body.

Give up smoking and alcohol

Bad habits make the situation worse. If you smoke or drink alcohol to excess, your blood health will deteriorate.

Blood vessels are not as elastic and blood has a slimy appearance and cannot circulate as it should.

Home Remedies to Increase Red Blood Cells

In the face of the first symptoms of weakness, headache, pale skin or cold in the extremities that indicate anemia, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

As long as we follow the proper treatment, we will be able to improve the situation thanks to the home remedies  that we will mention below:

red grapefruit and beetroot

Grapefruit and beetroot juice helps to increase the amount of red blood cells

It is a medicine widely used in Europe and serves to increase the levels of red blood cells in the blood.


  • 3 beets
  • The juice of 1 red grapefruit


  • Peel the beets and cut them into cubes.
  • Squeeze the juice from the grapefruit.
  • Put everything in the blender jar.
  • Mix well and consume a few spoonfuls every day.

Walnut and pollen infusion

It is a typical grandma medicine, which can help us a lot if we suffer from anemia or our red blood cells are not at their normal levels.


  • 2 tablespoons of walnut leaves (20 grams)
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
  • 1 teaspoon of cod liver oil (5 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of bee pollen (5 g)


  • Bring the water to a boil along with the walnut leaves.
  • When it boils, let it cook for 5 minutes and remove from heat.
  • Let stand for 5 minutes and filter.
  • Add oil and pollen.
  • Consume divided twice a day.

garlic soup

Another recipe that can fight anemia and increase your red blood cell count. Also, garlic has many medicinal properties to take advantage of.


  • 6 cloves of garlic
  • 1/2 cup of olive oil (100 g)
  • 2 slices of bread
  • 1 teaspoon of bell pepper (5 g)
  • 8 cups of water (2 liters)


  • Punch the peeled garlic cloves and fry them in oil.
  • When they are golden, add the slices of bread and pepper.
  • Add the water and cook for half an hour.
  • Consume throughout the day, maximum 3 cups.

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