Most Women Do Not Know The Symptoms Of A Heart Attack

Considering that the symptoms of a heart attack can be confused with those of other diseases, it is essential to be aware and, in case of doubt, consult a specialist or go to the emergency room.
Most women do not know the symptoms of a heart attack

Countless research has shown that men and women have slightly different symptoms when they have a heart attack. In fact, some symptoms are more common in females, which is crucial to act in time in an emergency. Today, we’ll talk about the main symptoms of heart attack in women.

One of the most worrying things for health experts is that most women don’t know what the symptoms of a heart attack are and what they can do to prevent it.

They ensure that, given the lack of knowledge of the symptoms, the consequences are more serious, as the person does not identify what may be happening and has difficulty acting properly.

On the other hand, symptoms are sometimes confused with other causes not related to the heart. In these cases, there can be a false heart attack alarm, although it can be the alert to identify other health problems.

What are the symptoms of heart attack in women?

Given that most women don’t know what the symptoms of a heart attack are, we’ll use this article to share valuable information that they’re sure to consider in an emergency.

Nausea with vomiting

What are the symptoms of a heart attack in women?

Faced with a heart attack, women are twice as likely as men to experience symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, heartburn or feeling indigestion.

These types of warning signs  are often ignored as they are common symptoms of other, less serious illnesses. However, it is important to consider them, especially when accompanied by other symptoms.

choking sensation

You may suddenly experience severe shortness of breath, which can occur while you are resting or doing some type of normal physical activity. You will likely feel an urge to breathe in more air and will be forced to breathe deeply.

This symptom, which can also present itself, occurs when the heart cannot pump all the incoming blood, which ends up accumulating in the lungs and, therefore, making breathing difficult.

Unusual tiredness

Unusual tiredness

All of a sudden you start to feel a lack of energy that  can come on immediately or last for several days and gradually increase.

Tiredness for no reason is felt by more than half of women who suffer a heart attack.

Symptoms of a heart attack: pain in the center of the chest

It’s an overwhelming pain that creates the feeling that something is crushing your chest. It usually lasts for a few minutes and may also be intermittent. It’s a pain that acts as an immediate warning sign, as it’s something we don’t usually feel.

Discomfort in the upper part of the neck

Discomfort in the upper part of the neck

You may also experience a feeling of pain or discomfort in your back, neck, or jaw. The pain  may spread to the arms or upper stomach.

Other symptoms of a heart attack include:

  • Extreme anxiety.
  • Cold sweat.
  • Feeling that the heart is not beating correctly.
  • Change in skin color to a pale or purple hue around the lips.
  • Unknown dizziness or fainting.

The normal in any case is that the woman  starts to feel the symptoms from the day before or a few hours before. Symptoms do not occur all at once and may appear gradually until an infarction occurs.

What to do in the face of a heart attack?

When faced with the symptoms of a heart attack, the most important thing is to act quickly before the heart suffers serious or irreversible damage. Treatment for infarction is most effective when applied within the first hour  after the onset of symptoms.

If you experience prolonged chest pain, it is important to call the emergency number or ask a family member to take you to a medical center immediately. You should avoid going to the hospital alone, as your health can get worse along the way and end up making the problem a little worse.

If symptoms disappear after five minutes or appear intermittently, it is very important to  see your doctor quickly to receive a proper diagnosis, as it may be heart disease.

Remember that the quicker you act, the less likely you are to suffer tragic consequences.

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