Meet 3 Wonderful Plants To Heal And Heal Wounds

Thanks to the medicinal properties of these plants, we will be able to heal and heal wounds in record time. Always opt for their natural versions for best results.

Nature, always wise and fascinating, puts at our disposal wonderful  plants that can help us to heal and heal wounds that everyone already had.

Without a doubt, we are talking about injuries that are not excessively serious. A burn, a scratch, a cut or even the classic sores on the knees that children get when they fall or bump into something, which can be a quick fix with certain home remedies.

Therefore, it never hurts to  have our own “medicinal plant” pharmacy at home. Now, also consider that we need to know how to choose and apply them correctly.

Not all of them are valid, and it is also necessary to apply a proper dosage.

Below, we will offer 3 suggestions that will be very helpful in healing and healing wounds.

1. Aloe to heal and heal wounds


Aloe gel applied topically is simply exceptional. It is used as a  treatment for wounds, burns, irritations and inflammation of the skin.

This pulp or gelatinous mass inside the aloe is not just water. In addition, it contains acidic mucilage, organic salts, enzymes, saponins, tannins, amino acids, vitamins and several minerals.

  • Topical application of aloe gel stimulates collagen production. Thanks to this process, healing is favored and angiogenesis too, that is, the formation of new tissues to cover the wounds.
  • Also, thanks to several studies, it is known that this plant has therapeutic effects capable of reducing both pain and inflammation.
  • It’s also fascinating to know that it contains aloe-emodin, an organic compound that fights both viruses and bacteria. Thus, it can heal and heal wounds quickly and without any danger of infection.

Aloe application

An excellent, useful and simple way to enjoy the benefits of aloe is to freeze it. Write down everything about the procedure.

  • Take a leaf from the aloe plant and, with the help of a spoon, open it halfway.
  • Remove all the translucent gel from inside it and place it scoop by scoop into an ice-making tin.
  • After filling the form, place it in the freezer.
  • The gel will retain all its properties while in the freezer. Whenever you need it, just take one of the cubes and use it.

Cold application of aloe vera can also be very therapeutic to  relieve bruises or even inflamed varicose veins.

2. The Asian centella


Centella Asiatic is a medicinal herb widely used to  treat skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis, sores, simple burns or even open wounds.

This plant, so common throughout the Asian continent, contains an element that it shares with aloe: saponins. Thanks to them, healing is favored and there is even an improvement in blood circulation to stimulate collagen production.

It is common for pharmaceutical companies to use it to include in topical treatments. One of its virtues is to  encourage the healing of wounds after surgery.

Asian centella application

It is possible to get multiple natural treatments already prepared in natural medicine stores. They are a good option that will always offer us more security.

  • There is also the alternative of preparing simple “poultices” based on centella Asiatic leaves.
  • In this case, you’ll just have to take some fresh leaves,  pound them with a pestle, and apply them to the wound or burn.
  • Leave on for 20 minutes and then remove.
  • If we repeat this same action two or three days in a row, we will see good results.

3. The chamomile

The European Medicines Agency approved its use a few years ago. Chamomile used topically is very effective for healing and healing wounds, eczema and all types of inflammation.

  • It should be said that it will not be very useful to ingest a delicious cup of your infusion. It may even soothe us and help us to rest, but when it comes to treating wounds and infections, we must apply it externally.

Furthermore, among its advantages, the fact that it is hypoallergenic stands out. We will explain below how you can benefit from it.

Chamomile application

It’s very simple. It is best to buy dried chamomile at a health food store.

It would also be possible to make use of the classic infusion bags, but since we don’t know if all that’s inside them is chamomile, it’s always better to go to a specialized center.


  • 1 tablespoon of dried chamomile (10).
  • 1/2 glass of water (100 ml).


  • Heat half a glass of water and, when it boils, add the tablespoon of dried chamomile.
  • After infusing, remove the chamomile with the help of a strainer and just keep the water.
  • When it is warm, and with the help of a cotton, apply the incredibly healing medicinal water to the wound.  You can repeat the treatment several times a day. It usually gives a wonderful result.

So be sure to include these three plants in your home pharmacy. Surely they will be of great help.


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