Medicinal Beet, Apple And Carrot Juice

The medicinal juice of beets, apples and carrots is considered one of the healthiest and most curative ones that exist. Check it out here.
Medicinal beet, apple and carrot juice

The medicinal juice of beets, apples and carrots is considered one of the healthiest and most curative ones that exist. It’s easy to prepare, economical and so efficient that it can be eaten daily. We’ll explain why!

Why is medicinal beet, apple and carrot juice so healthy?

If this juice is taken for three months, there will be noticeable improvement in liver functions, blood cleansing and body detoxification.

It is an ideal complement to maintain good nutrition, consequently, it  provides a feeling of lightness and well-being to the body. Below is a list of its benefits.

1. Medicinal and nutritious juice

One of the best in terms of nutrition. Rich in antioxidants, beta-carotenes, vitamins and all kinds of minerals, it has acids that promote the natural balance of the blood. A natural wonder within everyone’s reach.

2. Purifying, antiseptic and mineralizing

Thanks to the antioxidant properties of these vegetables, we can clean our body daily. Beetroot is excellent as it has healing, depurative and diuretic properties.

It is a good choice if, for example, the person suffers from liver or intestinal problems, as it  helps with digestion, reduces inflammation, improves pancreatic functions, contributing to the maintenance of balance in the endocrine system.

3. Medicinal juice that fights anemia

This beetroot, carrot and green apple juice will contribute especially in two essential aspects: improve defenses and help in the formation of red blood cells, thus preventing the onset of anemia.

It is  rich in vitamin C and antioxidants,  which fix iron in the body.

4. Beauty antidote

Do you have very fine and brittle hair? Weak nails? Dry skin? Remember to drink this juice daily, as it has a high level of vitamins that allow all these aspects to be improved.

Vitamin A is essential for healthy skin and eyesight. The level of iron and other minerals present in the juice will also help to brighten your hair and nails, slowing down the body’s premature aging process.

5. Controlling the level of cholesterol and uric acid

Regular consumption of juice helps to achieve good cholesterol levels. Adequately regulates the functionality of the liver and kidneys, maintaining safe levels of uric acid in the blood; a perfect debugger.

6. To lose weight

Need to lose weight? With this medicinal juice, you will reach your goal, as it provides a high satiety power, so there will be no need to eat in large quantities, providing energy and caloric intake.

Juice also works by eliminating toxins and cleansing the body. It’s a phenomenal natural device.

How to prepare and drink beetroot, apple and carrot juice?

medicinal juice

1. What do I need?

  • Two pre-cooked medium beets
  • a green apple
  • two carrots
  • Half lemon juice
  • half a glass of water

2. How to make beetroot juice?

  • It’s very easy, first cook the beets. The ideal is to buy some, cook them the day before and keep them available in the fridge to prepare the juice in the following days. Then peel and cut into small pieces.
  • Then wash the green apple, without removing the skin, to take advantage of the pectin present in it, which is responsible for eliminating fat and increasing the satiety power. However, the seeds must be discarded.
  • Peel the carrots and cut into small pieces.
  • Put all the ingredients in a food processor or blender (for this, we recommend that you cut the food into small pieces), adding half a glass of water so that it is very smooth and not too thick. Also add lemon juice to enhance the juice properties.

3. How to drink beetroot juice?

It is recommended to drink this medicinal juice  in the following way: one day for breakfast, another day half an hour before dinner. Thus, we enhance the depurative effects that are accentuated at night while we sleep, helping to regulate the effects of oxidation in the body.

When we drink the juice in the morning, we take advantage of the vitamins contained in it, this will help to hold the appetite until lunchtime, eliminating the habits of snacking several times before the main meal, which ends up contributing to weight gain.

If you want, we advise you to follow this program for a month. If you notice that you are having favorable results, take a 15-day break and start again.

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