Love Is Not Sought, It Is Found

Only when we are comfortable with ourselves do we realize that love is not wanted, but appears at the most unexpected moment. We’ll let you know everything you need to know about this in the next article.

Surely you have heard on more than one occasion that love is not looking for. However, time goes by, the movies and the people around you say “you don’t have a partner yet?”, and you end up feeling tremendous anxiety because that person hasn’t come into your life yet.

It is important for you to be aware that people in your environment are acting on the beliefs you grew up and developed with.

Having a partner can become an obsession, but love is not sought, it is found.

Love is not searched or searched on the internet

Love is not wanted on the internet, on networks like  Badoo  or mobile apps like  Tinder . Although there are couples who have met over the internet, you might be wondering why this happened like this.

  • We have low self-esteem  and believe that we will not meet anyone because they will never notice us in real life. We tend to think that there are other more attractive people.
  • We are embarrassed or shy, and social media gives us a boost of courage so that we dare to talk through writing, thus making us feel more relaxed.
  • Due to work or because we can’t hang out with our friends as much as we’d like, we believe that our option to meet people is only through the internet.
  • We are so desperate to find someone and want to find them now  that we go online, a medium that satisfies our desires immediately.

love is not sought, it is found
Although there are success stories through social media, it is advisable to invest efforts in traditional activities to meet nice people.

love will appear when you least expect it

It has been proven that the  more desperate we are, the farther away is the possibility of finding someone. Do you remember the times when you were part of a couple and how you suddenly became attractive to others?

So it’s important that while we don’t believe that love appears when we least expect it, we trust that it will. At the gym, at the supermarket, at a bank branch, with a co-worker…

don't be afraid to be alone
The moment we least expect it, the ideal person may appear. It’s a matter of keeping your eyes open for possibilities.

don’t be afraid to be alone

Love will not be found if you are afraid of being alone. A fear that society and the times we live in took charge of installing very well in our minds and that prevents us from being happy.

It’s okay to be alone. Nothing will happen if that partner doesn’t show up.

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