Love According To Your Personality Type

Do we look for love and choose our partners according to our personality? Learn more in the following article!
love according to your personality type

Do we look for love and choose our partners according to our personality? We invite you to meet 4 different personalities, to understand if affective relationships are really built based on their individual characteristics, and how they relate to each other.

We have to admit that we often fall in love with people we would never have expected to like, those we believe least fit our personality but still somehow complement us.

At other times we keep in relationships that only bring us sadness and nervousness. Why do we hang on to people with personalities that do us so much harm?

One of the books published on the topic of why we choose some people and not others is “Why him? Why her?” (Why him? Why her?) by anthropologist Helen Fisher. In this book, she defines 4 types of personalities on which relationships are built.

personality in love

These people treat love as an adventure. They are impulsive and autonomous, very curious and are always focused on enjoying the moment, maintaining a “let life take me” attitude.

  • They are always looking for new things and experiences
  • Are willing to take risks regardless of the consequences
  • They are very spontaneous people
  • have a lot of energy
  • They are curious, creative and optimistic
  • They have a lot of mental flexibility

It is an analytical personality, people who prioritize logic and common sense above all else. They are very balanced and practical people, who usually use reason to make their decisions.

  • Very determined and self-assured people
  • They know how to control their emotions very well.
  • It’s easy to go into battle and conquer what they want
  • They tend to be perfectionists
  • They like that each activity has its reason and is done in the best way possible.

3. Building personality

These people have family, friends and the union with loved ones as their main value in life. They are serene, sociable and very peaceful people. They avoid getting involved in conflicts and taking risks as much as possible.

  • Quiet people, sure of themselves, but without arrogance
  • They are persistent and fight until they reach their goals.
  • They are extremely loyal and trustworthy.
  • They are happy with the more traditional things and following established rules
  • They are easy to develop and create friendship networks

4. Negotiating personality

Negotiating people are expressive, empathetic and idealistic. They usually have very sensitive profiles, but they have a lot of imagination and a very open mind. Moreover,  p recisam delving into your feelings and love that people satisfy their emotional needs.

  • They are able to see beyond appearances, being intuitive people by nature.
  • Creative and sensitive
  • They have great mental flexibility and treat people well
  • Idealists and altruists
  • They always express their emotions, do not contain or hide them
  • They are easy to communicate socially and establish relationships

According to Helen Fisher’s study, some personality combinations are more likely to be successful in love.

1. Explorers with Explorers

In short, they are people who seek emotions and relationships based exclusively on passion fit well with others who have the same conception.

In this sense, negotiators and builders do not see excessive spontaneity and this vision of living in the moment, as they prefer stability and form a family.

According to the author, explorer couples are the most explosive, who go through frequent ups and downs, break up and come back, love each other intensely but seem to get bored when they have everything they want in the relationship.

2. Builders with builders


In short, they value family, meeting friends, and spending time together. Even more, they want to build a future together with their children, in which there is stability, calm and a sense of control over all areas of life. No strong emotions or risks, always value safety first.

3. Directors with negotiators

There are certainly many couples who manage to establish healthy relationships with these two profiles. However,  p analytical eople, direct and perfectionists seem to be happy together with other more sensitive personalities, empathic and emotional.

It would be a way for both to complement each other. Analysis and objectivity complete intuition and feelings.

Certainly these conclusions are not definitive, but the author’s intention is to give an example of what kind of personality people have who maintain healthier and more lasting relationships.

That’s why it’s important to understand well the personality of the person who is with us, without letting yourself be blinded by love.

Some features just don’t match each other. A person who wants security and stability will never be happy with one who wants to explore the world and live life without any planning.

Anyway, you need to understand these differences so as not to insist on relationships that will only cause sadness and annoyance, and look for someone who makes you really happy.

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