Lose Weight With Negative Calorie Foods

Although foods with negative calories help us lose weight, we cannot base our diet solely on them, as our bodies need other nutrients.
Lose Weight With Negative Calorie Foods

You may be confused by the term “negative calorie foods” as we are under the assumption that anything negative is always bad. However, in this case, it is completely the opposite, as this type of food can help to lose weight in a healthy way, without eliminating the amount of calories that we need daily from the diet.

One of the mistakes people make when wanting to lose weight is being restrictive with their calorie intake. However, what they do not know is that there are foods with negative calories that, instead of causing weight gain, help to achieve a balance in the body, where you can lose weight without suffering secondary problems due to bad diets.

There are no foods with negative calories, because calories are a physical unit that can never be negative. However, this term refers to those foods whose calorie level is low enough to provide energy and contribute to  the digestion process, thus helping with weight loss.

For example, water is undoubtedly a negative calorie food, as it does not contain calories and to be processed in our body, the body needs to expend energy.

Also read: Is it possible to burn calories by drinking ice water?


However, there are few foods with “negative calories”, which we will list below. The truth is that not in all cases these foods use up more calories than they provide, and when they do, it tends to be insignificant. Know that our bodies expend energy for the simple fact of staying alive and breathing. For this same reason, many of these foods are effective, as they can help even when we’re not doing anything.

As is always the case with other types of diets, we will want to fall into the temptation to only eat foods with negative calories to achieve our weight loss goals. However, this cannot be done, as a lack of sufficient energy and nutrients can lead to malnutrition. Always try to take a balanced diet that includes other foods for the correct functioning of the body.


One of the healthiest ways to enjoy the benefits of negative calorie foods to lose weight  is to detox using their properties.

This detox can be done in two or three days, each time you feel the body needs to renew itself.

Also read: Learn how to make a detox lemonade with ginger and apple

lose weight

What Not to Do with Negative Calorie Foods

To complement your weight-loss diet with negative calorie foods, you don’t need to undergo something very restricted, but consider the following advice:

  • Avoid overeating these foods as their compounds in large amounts can have negative health effects
  • Don’t spend all day eating. Plan 5 or 6 meals a day and include more of these foods in the 2 or 3 days of detox.
  • Eat slowly and chew your food well
  • Try to eat raw foods, as they are used to the fullest in their properties.
  • When the detox is over, it is very important to adopt a healthy and balanced diet.
  • Vegetables: asparagus, green beans, chard, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, radish, cucumber, peas, Napa kale, leek, lettuce, chicory, spinach, tomato
  • Fruits: apple, blackberry, blueberry, grapefruit, lemon and orange, raspberry
  • Seasonings and herbs: cinnamon, cloves, coriander, flaxseeds, garlic, ginger, onion and parsley
  • Activate the metabolism
  • Can help control blood sugar levels
  • Increase energy levels
  • Improve digestion and contribute to colon cleansing
  • Help to clean the liver
  • Fight fluid retention and reduce swelling
  • Reduce blood cholesterol levels
  • Contribute to the good health of hair, skin and even nails
  • Help to improve concentration
  • Some are recommended to prevent and reduce stress, anxiety and depression.

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