Lemon, Olive Oil And Black Pepper Remedy

If we already consume a glass of water with lemon every morning, it won’t cost us to add a spoon of olive oil and a little black pepper to it for more benefits.

This remedy with lemon, olive oil and black pepper will become essential in your daily life. A tablespoon in the morning is enough to see in a few weeks how much of your pain will subside and how you will enjoy better overall health.

If you are one of the people who trust the natural lemon therapy and all that this fruit rich in vitamins and minerals offers us, be sure to add two equally miraculous complements: extra virgin olive oil and black pepper.

Write down everything this remedy can do for you and put it into practice today.

Medicine with lemon, olive oil and black pepper: 5 essential benefits

This remedy will not work if we do not accompany it with a varied, balanced diet free from saturated fats.

It costs nothing to take this small tablespoon rich in phytonutrients that support many of its basic functions.

However, if we are not aware of the importance of maintaining a healthy life, specific remedies will only act as small palliatives, without much curative effect.

To do this, we encourage the reader to take care of what he puts on his plate every day, and not forget to keep an active life, where his emotions and stress are also attended to.

Keeping these pillars, this remedy with lemon, olive oil and pepper can do a lot for you.

Improves our cardiac function

These three foods are part of what is known as the Mediterranean diet. Extra virgin olive oil is rich in these kind of healthy fats that our hearts need to prevent diseases like arteriosclerosis.

  • Polyunsaturated acids help us reduce high levels of LDL cholesterol while increasing HDL (bad cholesterol).
  • In turn, lemon is a powerful antioxidant, rich in vitamin C that helps our arteries to become more elastic and fat deposits stop sticking to the walls.
  • Something that many people will like to know about pepper is that it has a long history in our culture. According to the University of Wisconsin (United States) pepper was used in many civilizations as a “currency”.
  • It was so prized for its heart health benefits that many looked forward to the arrival of new shipments from Asia to benefit from its minerals and phytonutrients.

A depurative remedy

The simple combination of olive oil and lemon juice on an empty stomach is launched as an antioxidant remedy with great detoxifying power.

  • It allows to purify toxins while taking care of important organs, such as the liver, by providing a high content of vitamins and beneficial fatty acids.
  • Regular consumption of this remedy with lemon, olive oil and black pepper is a wonderful way to regulate our body’s pH levels.
  • It also allows you to maintain adequate intestinal health by promoting the elimination of toxins and improving the absorption of nutrients.

Natural source of manganese

This pinch of black pepper that we are going to add to this remedy will offer a high content of this mineral. Manganese activates the enzymes in our cells to better metabolize proteins and fats.

We take care of our bones and, in addition, black pepper offers us collagen to smooth out wrinkles and encourage wound healing.

lets lose weight

The effect is cumulative and can be noticed over a few weeks. Piperine, present in black pepper, helps fight the gene for the growth of new fat cells.

In addition,  this remedy acts as a metabolism activator, makes our body warm and we can better purify these lipids and eliminate toxins.

How to prepare and take this medicine?

1st way: a tablespoon


  • 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil (14 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon (5 ml)
  • A dash of black pepper (3 mg)

Preparation and administration

It’s a simple soup spoon. Just add a little olive oil, a drizzle of lemon and a small pinch of pepper to this spoon to take on an empty stomach. You’ll see how good you feel.

2nd way: in a cup


  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil (14 g)
  • A dash of black pepper (3 mg)

Preparation and administration

If you are one of the people who each morning drink a glass of warm water with lemon, then this way of use will be simpler. What you should do, simply, is take a teaspoon of olive oil with black pepper and then drink a glass of water with lemon as usual.

Just choose the form that is easiest and that your body accepts best to be able to benefit from the properties of this remedy.

If it’s difficult for you to drink lemon juice on an empty stomach because your stomach doesn’t tolerate it, then this small tablespoon will be the best option.

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