Learn How To Prevent Wrinkles

From the age of 20, we should start taking care of our skin, internally and externally. Avoiding harmful habits like smoking and improving your diet will help us avoid wrinkles.
Know how to prevent wrinkles

Wrinkles generally worry most of us, but they are part of our natural aging process. So today we’ll talk about how to prevent wrinkles.

But, the first thing we need to keep in mind is that genetics and good habits are some of the most important factors when wrinkles are the subject, and we shouldn’t forget this information.

If you want to prevent wrinkles, always use a sunscreen

Sun cream to stop wrinkles

It doesn’t matter whether it’s winter or summer, ultraviolet rays affect our skin, no matter what season it is.

Currently we can count on creams that are well absorbed by the skin, which are not heavy and do not leave an oily feeling. So there are no excuses for not protecting your skin from the sun.

To do this, it is essential to choose the right cream. So, those who have dry skin, for example, should opt for a cream that, in addition to providing a protective factor, is also moisturizing. And those with oily skin need to choose one that doesn’t leave an oily feeling, is well absorbed and mattes.

The sun is one of the main reasons why people suffer from premature aging of the skin and this causes wrinkles to appear earlier. Using sunscreen in winter, not just summer, will help prevent them.

With all of this, it’s also important to keep in mind that we shouldn’t abuse tanning beds, as their overuse can also have a negative impact on our skin. Although UVA rays are not natural, they affect us. One way to get a beautiful tan, taking maximum care of our skin, is to use good quality cosmetic bronzers.

To prevent wrinkles, always use make-up remover as well.

Often, due to laziness, we don’t remove makeup and this is not good for the skin. Overnight, the skin regenerates. If it is not clean, this process can be hampered and have the opposite effect. Instead of regenerating the skin, let’s mistreat it.

The pores must be clean so the skin can breathe. If we don’t remove makeup most days, we’re at great risk of developing early wrinkles.

In addition, there will be other consequences: loss of luminosity, appearance of imperfections, lack of elasticity in the skin… all this due to the laziness of removing makeup.

Moisturize dry skin

Although oily and mixed skin should also be moisturized, we should mention dry skin with special attention. They are more likely to develop early wrinkles, as the lack of hydration will cause expression marks to set early.

Choosing a good moisturizer or even making one at home with natural ingredients will help give dry skin the moisture it needs. We can also help you by taking care of our food. Drinking enough water will be very important.

Eliminate bad habits

Avoid smoking

Have you ever noticed that people who smoke suffer from early wrinkles? This is because bad habits not only affect our inner health, but their consequences affect the condition of our skin as well.

To prevent wrinkles, it is essential that we start to discard all the habits that are really harmful to our health. Smoking or excessive alcohol consumption are some of them.

However, it is also essential to adopt good habits, such as taking care of your diet, increasing your intake of vitamin C. This type of vitamin favors the production of collagen and elastin and provides the skin with essential antioxidants to prevent wrinkles.

Beware of sudden weight changes

When a person is overweight and loses weight, their skin no longer has the same elasticity as before. This not only affects the skin on the body, but also the skin on the face, causing early wrinkles.

Therefore, not doing miracle diets and following a healthy diet trying to maintain a more or less stable weight will be very necessary to prevent wrinkles.

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