Lamps With Flasks And Bottles: Original Ideas

Don’t despise the jars and bottles you no longer use. Reuse them to create beautiful lamps that you can use to decorate in your own style.
Lamps with flasks and bottles: original ideas

Learn how to make these three light bulbs out of jars and bottles that are no longer used and that would probably go to waste. Believe it or not, you can recycle many materials that have fallen into disuse and put them to new use in a gesture that will help protect the environment. All this taking into account that the need to reduce waste is increasing.

Besides, you can let your imagination fly and put your personal taste in each project, which will make them unique and transmit your thoughts and your way of being and feeling.

3 types of lamps to decorate your home

1.- Lamps with flasks and bottles

Both with bottles and bottles that you no longer use it is possible to make these beautiful lamps ideal for a romantic and cozy mood. In this case, we recommend caramel colored bottles with a slightly wide mouth. Also, you can combine them with bottles or jars of different shades. It’s an excellent idea for Christmas decorations.


  • Bottle (1)
  • Wide-mouth bottle (1)
  • Christmas Lights (2)
  • Rustic thread (1 m)

How is done:

  • First, wash and dry the bottle and bottle very well.
  • Right after that, put the lights inside and set them up.
  • Finally, finish the decoration by making three turns with the rustic thread around the edges of the bottle and bottle.

2.- Oil lamps with glass bottles

For these type of bulbs you will need glass jars with a wide mouth to make it easier to fill them with oil. Also, you can draw different shapes, hearts or just circles. You can use colors that you like, or that fit better in the space where you want to place the lamps.


  • White bottles (2)
  • Nail polish in the colors you choose.
  • Cork
  • Cotton
  • Water (500 ml)
  • Cooking oil (500 ml)
  • permanent marker
  • scissors
  • Cutter

How is done:

  • First, draw the desired design on the bottle with the permanent marker.
  • Then, paint this same design with nail polish and let it dry.
  • Then cut a slice of cork approximately 3 cm thick with the cutter.
  • Afterwards, drill a circular hole in the center with scissors.
  • On the other hand, take the cotton and make a strip with it.
  • Then moisten the strip with oil.
  • Pass through the cork hole and allow the cotton to protrude on both sides (like a burner).
  • Soon after, pour water (500 ml) into the bottle.
  • Then add the oil (500 ml).
  • Finally, place the burner in the center.
  • Ready! Just need to light up.

3.- Lamp with bottles

With glass bottles and a wooden stand, you can make a standing lamp that can be used to beautify a room or a reading corner. You can combine bottles of different shapes and colors, or put them all the same together.   The quantity of bottles can also vary depending on the taste or degree of light intensity desired.


  • Wooden support with a vertical axis of 1m that is hollow inside.
  • 20 cm wooden cylinders, hollow inside (9).
  • Glass bottles (9).
  • Wood glue.
  • Cables (9, 1 m each)
  • Lamp holder (9)
  • Lights (9)

How is done:

  • First locate the wooden base.
  • Right after that, drill holes on each side of the vertical axis, 5 on the left and 4 on the right, and then glue the cylinders together.
  • Then glue the cylinders with wood glue to the holes you made in the base. Note that you have to leave the center space free.
  • On the other hand, pass the cables through the hollow space inside the vertical base and cylinders. This way they will be hidden.
  • Afterwards, place a lampholder at each end of each cylinder.
  • Finally, place a bottle in each cylinder.

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