Know Why The Sugar In Our Body Is Bad

Sugar is not a positive substance for our body, and the problem is that it is not only present in sugary drinks, juices or industrial confectionery products, but also in others considered healthy.
Know why sugar in our body is bad

Of course we are aware that almost everything includes sugar. Not only cakes and sweet foods like donuts , but also rye bread itself contains this ingredient. Still, we are not fully aware of why sugar is bad for our bodies.

Sugar is a terrible addiction. There are foods that we would never think would have sugar, but it contains it, because that way they are more appetizing, more delicious for our taste buds.

The addiction that sugar causes us

The reason sugar is bad for our bodies is because it gives us empty calories. In other words, it’s not really nutritious and doesn’t give us anything healthy. It’s just one element that does us more harm than good:

  • It raises our bad cholesterol (LDL) levels while lowering our good (HDL) cholesterol levels.
  • It favors diabetes, because the more sugar we consume, the more insulin our pancreas produces.
  • It affects our immune system, as sugar slows down its ability to respond to any threat when we consume large amounts.
  • It causes cavities and makes our teeth decay more easily as time goes on.
  • It is the biggest cause of obesity, a condition that affects health.
Brown and refined sugar

Why can’t we stop consuming sugar? Why does this treat seem to us much more appetizing than a fruit? Because it’s so much sweeter and therefore tempts us more.

However, we must not overlook the fact that selling us addictive products is a strategy for us to buy them. Here our health has nothing to do with it. For, as we see, it is clear that sugar is bad for our bodies.

Alternatives to Sugar

It is possible that, after knowing and being more aware of why sugar is bad for our bodies, we will try to dodge it in many ways. However, you have to be very careful with what we use to replace it.

The ideal would be not to consume it. In other words, if we drink tea, we shouldn’t add sugar. It’s all a matter of getting used to. However, if we are not able to take any of this without sweetening it, it would be good to take a look at the options we have nearby:

  • Saccharin: It is one of the best known synthetic sweeteners and it is not healthy. It can cause us serious problems, much more than sugar itself.
  • Honey: it’s the healthiest option, but better if it’s natural bee honey. If we have a friend who works with bees or who collects honey himself, it will be much better than buying from someone else.
  • Stevia: has come into fashion lately and is considered another healthy option. Stevia doesn’t raise glucose levels, but it doesn’t lower them either.

The best option of all would be to use honey, as natural as possible, to sweeten what we are used to. However, it’s all a matter of getting used to it. Have you ever tried not to sweeten tea, coffee or other foods that tend to sweeten?

Pay attention to foods containing sugar

Even though we have seen that sugar is bad for our body, it is not enough to just exclude it or substitute it for other alternatives when drinking tea or coffee. It is also necessary that when we buy a product, we review whether or not it contains sugar.

Woman choosing unsweetened yogurt

We often eliminate sugar from our diet, but we don’t realize that this rye bread we buy contains sugar. Therefore, we keep urging our bodies to depend on a substance we are not aware of consuming.

We propose you a challenge. Next time you go to the supermarket, look at the ingredients the products you buy contain.

Have you stopped consuming sugar or are you still dependent on it?

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