Is It Possible To Fight Gallstones Naturally?

Gallbladder stones are hard deposits that form in this organ due to accumulation of cholesterol or excess bilirubin. Discover how to fight them naturally.
Is it possible to fight gallstones naturally?

The gallbladder is a small organ located under the liver,

It is important to see a doctor to receive an accurate diagnosis.

5 Natural Alternatives to Fight Gall Bladder Stones

contribute to dissolving the stones , facilitating their elimination.

In both cases, hard deposits form that can cause obstruction of the bile ducts,

natural products have been used to promote their elimination.

1. Milk thistle

milk thistle
To support the treatment of gallstones in the gallbladder, we can take advantage of the properties of milk thistle or milk thistle. However, before ingesting it, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

This benefit is attributed to its content of flavonolignans, better known as silymarin, has been the subject of several studies

How to consume it?

  • The plant extracts can be used as a tea or supplement. In the first case, you can drink up to 2 cups a day. In the case of supplements, the dosage suggested in the product instructions must be followed.


2. apple juice

there are anecdotal data suggesting that it may contribute to overcoming this condition. 

How to consume it?

  • To combat gallbladder stones, it is recommended to consume a liter of apple juice a day for a week.

3. Turmeric

Turmeric to protect the gallbladder
Consuming turmeric helps maintain optimal bile flow. Therefore, it is a good supplement to prevent and treat gallstones.

helps to stimulate the movements of this organ, favoring its emptying. good bile flow

How to consume it?

  • As it is a very versatile spice, it can be added to smoothies, juices or soups. It can also be prepared in the form of a tea or infusion (consumed twice a day). Finally, it can be purchased in the form of supplements.

4. Pear juice

Pear juice can help prevent gallstones from forming. reduce cholesterol concentrations, which help dissolve gallstones.

How to consume it?

  • First, extract half a glass of natural pear juice. Then mix with an equal amount of warm water. The ideal is to consume 2 or 3 glasses a day, for at least two months.

5. Mint to fight gallstones

Mint to fight gallstones
Peppermint has bioactive compounds that promote proper functioning of the gallbladder. Furthermore, it improves the flow of bile to prevent the formation of stones.

mint or mint leaves The natural oils that the plant concentrates in its leaves help to stimulate the flow of bile juices,

How to consume it?

  • The mint infusion can be taken 2 or 3 times a day. In this particular case, the ideal is to take the medicine every day, for 2 or 3 months.

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