Is It Harmful To Sleep In A Bra?

Supporters of wearing the bra admit that it is not good to wear it for more than 7 hours straight, not even overnight. We must allow correct lymphatic circulation to avoid problems.
Is it harmful to sleep in a bra?

The use of bra has always been a controversial topic. Is it beneficial or harmful? Whether or not it is used by about 80% of women. However, the real question is: is it appropriate to sleep with a bra or not. We explain in the following article .

Is the bra proper to wear?

We’ve talked on more than one occasion about wearing a bra. Are they suitable? Or maybe they are an element with a certain risk to the breasts?

A study carried out in France by Professor Jean-Denis Rouillon, for example, showed that the use of this intimate piece does not help much. Not that using them will prevent, for example, that, over the years, the breasts end up losing firmness and appearing more sagging. But, according to this study, wearing a bra implies loss of firmness and the appearance of more stretch marks.

However, there are other voices within the medical community that point to its usefulness. If, for example, we have very large breasts, with a bra they are better accommodated and make us feel more comfortable.
The key to ensuring that bras don’t harm us is always to choose the most appropriate size, a detail that, according to statistical data, few women manage to get right. Thus, they end up choosing very small bras, which compress their breasts and impede proper blood circulation.
If you are one of those women who cannot discard its use, it is important to be always careful to choose the most comfortable and suitable bra for your body. This is essential.

To sleep with or without a bra, that’s the question

sleep with bra

In general, experts recommend that we do away with the use of a bra at bedtime. A study by anthropological physicians alerts us to something we must take into account: the bra compresses several lymph nodes and vessels, thus preventing us from being able to filter and eliminate toxins in a natural way through lymphatic drainage.

Since many of these functions take place at night, it can result in an increase in fluid retention which, in the long term, can lead to the appearance of possible cysts, fibrous nodules or tumors. It’s a risk.

The bra can compress our breasts, preventing the lymph from releasing toxins, creating a circulatory problem that can worsen. Also,  the bra fabric causes the temperature of our breasts to rise.

It is important to remember that a precancerous breast has a higher temperature than healthy ones. There is no point in inducing this temperature rise in our breasts during the night.

It is convenient to take off the bra for at least a few hours a day

The breast needs some movement to allow the lymph to circulate. Those who advocate the use of the bra do so with a small nuance: it is not good to wear it more than 7 hours a day. It’s also not appropriate to sleep in a bra. The breasts need to feel a little free of this tightness. They need to move so that lymph circulation and massage are allowed.

Let us remember once again that we need the correct circulation of lymph and blood so that toxins do not accumulate, so that they can be released and not stored in the breasts. So, if you normally wear a bra, it would be recommended that you don’t wear it for at least more than 7 hours straight.

It can be harmful to sleep in a bra

If you are one of those women who likes to sleep with a bra, you should know that there are bras for night wear. It is a specific underwear for sleeping. And what is your secret?

These are bras that have a proper shape to separate the breasts and prevent them from squeezing. They are made of cotton, without hoops or rods. They allow perspiration, which we can move without noticing them, but feeling protected.

Always try to wear bras according to your size and avoid those that have seams, cups or rings that compress the chest. This is essential. Although the most appropriate is, without a doubt, not to sleep in a bra.

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