Interesting Oriental Technique To Remove Unwanted Hair

If you want to remove facial or body hair, try using turmeric-based creams. They are simple to make, but you must remember to apply them regularly.

Excessive hair, whether facial or body, is not something that affects all women, but it is a reality that many of them have to deal with. Even though the amount varies according to hormonal activity and genetic tendency, everyone agrees that they want to find an effective method to remove unwanted hair.

Currently, you can have access to various products and  treatments  that allow you to remove unwanted hair in a matter of seconds. However, many  contain harsh chemicals for the skin  or carry the risk of leaving marks that are difficult to remove.

On the other hand, we find waxing or laser hair removal techniques that are more professional ways to achieve excellent results. However, before considering investing in them,  it’s worth trying out some at-home methods that, without exposing the skin to damage, significantly reduce unwanted hair.

Are you interested?

Oriental technique to remove unwanted facial and body hair

Saffron hair removal is a traditional oriental technique  that many women have used as a solution to remove unwanted hair. It’s about combining the famous spice with other natural ingredients to weaken hair and reduce its presence on the skin.

What are the benefits of saffron?


Turmeric has been valued for its strong bactericidal and antioxidant action, which has served as a treatment for different diseases.

In this case especially, it  acts on the skin to  stop excessive hair growth without causing irritation or redness .  Its constant use reduces the presence of those unwanted hairs that tend to appear on the upper part of the mouth, legs and abdomen. 

Additionally, it  facilitates the reduction of dead cells and impurities  to give a fresher and more renewed appearance.

To improve these effects,  we can combine it with chickpea flour, another traditional ingredient from the Indian subcontinent that also has many uses in skin care.

In many cultures, it has been used as a skin softener and also as a solution against   excessively growing thick hair.

How to prepare this traditional hair removal method?


The saffron hair removal method is very easy to perform at home  and usually costs next to nothing. All ingredients are easily obtainable from the market and contain no chemicals harmful to the skin.


  • 1 tablespoon of saffron (10 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of chickpea flour (20 g)
  • ½ cup of milk (125 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of yogurt (15 g)


  • To start, place the  chickpea flour, saffron and milk in a clean bowl.
  • Mix with a wooden spoon until you get a smooth and creamy dough.
  • When everything is well beaten and with the desired consistency, you can proceed with the application.

Application mode

  • Thoroughly clean the areas you want to remove unwanted hair and then apply the mass in the direction of hair growth.
  • Allow to dry for 20 to 30 minutes.
  • After the recommended time, do a light circular massage to enhance its removing effects.
  • Then moisten a cotton ball with hot water and rub to remove the product.

The results are not immediate, so you will have to do it four times a week for the hair to be weak enough.

Other ways to use turmeric to remove unwanted hair


Besides the aforementioned oriental technique with  turmericthere are other simple solutions to take advantage of the qualities of this ingredient  against those unwanted hairs.

If, for example, you can’t buy chickpea flour, try making creams with other ingredients.

saffron and salt

Its application is ideal to prevent long-term hair growth.


  • 1 teaspoon of salt (5 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of saffron (10 g)
  • Water (amount needed)


  • Mix the saffron with the salt and moisten them to make a paste.
  • Gently massage the area to be treated with this mixture.
  • Rinse thoroughly with water and use this preparation every three days.

saffron and honey

A thick paste of turmeric and honey  can be helpful in  removing unwanted hair from the fluff .


  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric (5 g)


  • Mix the saffron with honey and apply a thin layer over the fluff.
  • Allow to dry for 20 minutes and remove with water.
  • Use twice a week.

In conclusion, remember that turmeric’s properties are not as powerful as those of commercial chemicals.  Despite this, it is good to consider it as a more economical, healthy and environmentally friendly solution.

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