I Want To Be Happy Again

To be happy again, you must learn to enjoy every moment of life. Forget the past and enjoy the present moment.
I want to be happy again

Getting back to being happy can become a challenge because of the responsibilities and living on “autopilot”; sometimes, everyday problems become protagonists of our lives.

Suddenly, we forget to take advantage, we start putting off what we want to do, and we just move by inertia.

It’s easy to get carried away by this life where every day is the same, where we look like fish who have taken the bait and for whom the mere idea of ​​stepping out of our “comfort zone” terrifies us.

Getting back to being happy starts with the present

girl with clock

Are we aware of how much we ignore the present? Our minds constantly wander into the past or the future and sometimes generate feelings of anxiety or worry that do us no good.

  • We spend so much time used to this inertia that it becomes very difficult to be in the here and now.

In fact, if we ever try to practice mindfullness , yoga or meditation, we experience an uncontrollable nervousness of someone who is unable to stop thinking, to start feeling, to focus on the present moment.

  • We often feel that it is a waste of time to focus on the now. However, keeping our minds occupied by useless thoughts is of no use.

An excess of worrying ideas, responsibilities, guilts and regrets, ruminant thoughts, cause us to burn out, to waste our energy.

Getting back to being happy is not complicated, as long as we take it as the first step only. Most importantly, what we will spend more time on.

The present is the principle of balance, joy and happiness.

today is an important day

happy person meditating

Today is an important day to be happy again, so let’s not waste it on what makes life more complicated.

We believe that life is long, but that may not be true and, at the most unexpected moment, we are surprised to find the opposite.

Sometimes we postpone things we want to do while prioritizing others. It’s true that we have responsibilities, but we also have the right to enjoy life.

Balance is important if we are to live fully. So, we must touch all these areas of our life, in which we include ourselves.

Our time, our leisure and our pleasure.

We make excuses because “this is not the time” or “I can’t afford it” . Maybe you can, yes, but think about tomorrow, about accumulating without enjoying.

We are not saying waste money, but think about using a small part for yourself, on you. Because you deserve… you know?

recover the smile

woman seeking happiness

It seems that pleasure is penalized and, in exchange, anguish, duties, everything that is “well regarded” is rewarded.

It doesn’t surprise us so much that a large part of the population has depression and, on the contrary, we wonder how some people do to enjoy life so much; do they not work?

These thoughts limit our way of living and make it almost like a dream to be happy again.

Let’s get our smile back. If we want to go to the movies, let’s take a little time to go today! It’s not nonsense, it’s what we want. Let’s make ourselves happy.

Let’s let go of those ideas that our minds ruminate, that worry us for days about something we said or did and that has no solution, nor can it change. Let us learn to let go, not to cling.

Let’s stop being on “autopilot” and let’s savor every little thing that has ceased to surprise us for being a constant in our daily lives.

Let’s enjoy the taste of food, we forgot to focus on that! Let’s focus on the things around us, let’s raise our heads, let’s just look ahead.

happy men looking at the mountain

Let’s realize how blind we are and how we allow life to pass before our eyes as if it were worthless.

Do we begin to give life the value it deserves? Is today the day to be happy again…  or are we going to leave it for tomorrow?

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