How To Use Garlic To Combat Vision Loss?

Did you know that the sulfur compounds in garlic are ideal for reducing high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels? Which, on the other hand, are related to eye damage?

Impaired vision is one of the health problems that often come with age. A high percentage suffer some kind of difficulty associated with old age.

Some ignore the situation and only pay enough attention when conditions have already advanced far and are almost irreversible.

Therefore, doctors and specialists indicate  improving lifestyle habits, especially those related to food.

The eyes need essential fatty acids, vitamins and antioxidants to function optimally and prevent deterioration.

Thus, it is interesting to review eating habits and add foods that directly benefit to the diet.

For example, consuming crushed garlic every day can prevent macular degeneration.

This is due to its high supply of sulfur compounds and essential minerals that protect the membranes of the eye. 

What is macular degeneration?

Consume garlic for eyes

Macular degeneration is a visual disease characterized by the slow destruction of central and acute vision that makes it difficult to see fine details and read.

It is more common in individuals over 60 years of age, but cases may also appear at younger ages.

This degeneration happens when the macula collapses or suffers some kind of damage. This is often a natural part of the aging process, but it can be accelerated by bad habits and the development of certain diseases.

Patients with this disorder experience  blurred vision,  dark zones or distortion in central vision, and sometimes a permanent loss of central vision.

How can garlic help patients with macular degeneration?

Garlic has become popular as one of the best vision care foods given its high nutrient content and properties.

Its sulfur-derived compounds, as well as selenium and vitamins, work in favor of patients with macular degeneration, reducing their symptoms.

Its powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action protects cells from vision  and prevents them from being destroyed by the action of free radicals.

On the other hand, it is one of the best foods to  control high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol,  two conditions closely related to eye damage and vision loss.

Blood pressure and its relationship with the eyes

the garlic for the blood

Patients with high blood pressure are more likely to have visual problems. In short, this is due to the restriction of blood flow, causing a negative impact on retinal activity.

This part of the eyes depends on oxygen levels for proper functioning, so  a restricted flow compromises visual health.

Garlic promotes blood flow and reduces systolic pressure to stable levels.

Cholesterol and visual health

Excess cholesterol in the bloodstream triggers dangerous cardiovascular reactions and is related to the accumulation of fat deposits below the retina.

In addition, this lipid substance reduces visual ability and, in the long run, can lead to vision loss.

Garlic contains substances with sulfur and powerful antioxidants that prevent the synthesis of bad and total cholesterol.

How to prepare crushed garlic for eye care?


Crushed garlic is prepared with a kitchen tool called a garlic press.  This tool has a small lever that serves to press the teeth into a thick paste.

In addition, you can use other options such as cutting into blades or even crushing in a garlic press.

mode of consumption

  • To obtain these benefits from garlic we recommend the daily consumption of one or two cloves.
  • This must always be raw, since  cooked it loses up to 90% of its properties.
  • Optionally, it can be combined with a little lemon juice and olive oil.

Finally, how often do you include garlic in your diet? Now that you know of its visual health benefits, stop making excuses and consume it continuously.

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