How To Use Coffee To Firm Your Face

Coffee masks are useful for cleansing as well as eliminating bags under the eyes and swelling that can appear after a sleepless night.
How to use coffee to firm your face

Did you know you can use coffee to firm your face? Learn all about the properties this popular ingredient can offer your skin in this article!

Coffee is living in a golden age. After years of doctors asking us to eliminate it from our diet, it is now clear that it has many health benefits.

However, there are people for whom it is contraindicated, especially for those who suffer from stress or high blood pressure.

In any case, what interests us here is not taking it, but using it as a face mask.

Apply certain products directly to the skin is very advantageous because they act on the damaged tissues without the need for metaboliz will them.

In addition to being faster, this implies that some of its damage doesn’t influence us.

However, we understand that you must be wondering why should use the coffee is in your face and what he can offer.

If you have these doubts, then we’ll explain what makes it an element to consider when taking care of our face. We will see?

Why bet on coffee masks to firm up your face?

Coffee to firm up the face
  • First, it has too many antioxidants. Its function is to prevent cell aging.

This will help to stop the appearance of age marks and wrinkles, which will facilitate the preservation of a younger and fresher appearance.

  • Second, caffeine stimulates circulation. Good blood circulation is essential to prevent puffiness, dark circles and bags under the eyes.

However, you will have to accompany the coffee mask with healthy lifestyle habits.

  • Finally, its grainy texture makes it a great exfoliant. It opens the pores so that its nutrients penetrate the epidermis to cleanse it and result in a smooth, shiny tone.

2 masks with coffee to firm the face

1. Coffee and honey mask

Coffee-based face masks

We added honey because thanks to its viscosity, it absorbs the dirt accumulated in the pores.

In addition, it eliminates bacteria and prevents their appearance, making it an excellent complement to the mask with coffee to firm the face.


  • 3 tablespoons of honey (75 g)
  • ½ cup of ground coffee (100 g)

Preparation and application

  • Mix coffee and honey in a bowl and stir until smooth.
  • Apply the mask to the skin in a circular motion to serve as an exfoliant. Do not press hard to avoid hurting the skin.
  • Leave on for 20 minutes to fight inflammation.
  • After the indicated time, remove with cold water.

2. Coffee and natural yoghurt mask

Natural yogurt

One of the most beneficial components of plain yogurt is lactic acid. He  fights c is dead cells so that the drops and allows them to renew.

Therefore, it helps us to have a special glow, typical of healthy and fresh skin.

On the other hand, it contains zinc, an ideal element to fight sunspots.

We need it, even if we don’t go to the beach very often or have low exposure to the sun. Pollution caused UVA rays to hit us harder.

As if that were not enough, he also is m offers an effect antibi O very powerful optical. This will eliminate microbes and bacteria that damage your skin.


  • 1 natural yogurt (125 g)
  • ½ cup of ground coffee (100 g)

Note: If you need more, these are the proportions you should keep.

Preparation and application

  • Mix the two elements to get a homogeneous mask.
  • Again, massage your face in a circular motion for a good cleansing.
  • Then leave the mask on for 15 minutes for it to work on your skin.
  • Finally, clean your face with cold water.

The most aconselh will level is that you is use am will mask twice a week for the skin to recover.

You will notice its benefits in a short period of time, always with the advantage that these recipes do not contain substances that could harm you, unless you are allergic to any of the ingredients.

Taking care of your face is very important. Looking healthy is highly recommended for those who work with the public and to enjoy great self-esteem.

Isn’t it great to look in the mirror and find a healthy face?

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