How To Treat Toothache In Pregnancy?

Suffering from a toothache during pregnancy is not only uncomfortable, it can also be dangerous for both mother and baby. Find out what to do if you have oral problems during pregnancy.
How to treat toothache in pregnancy?

When a woman is pregnant, taking care of her health is essential to reduce setbacks. The onset of toothache during pregnancy can be an uncomfortable, alarming and even dangerous situation.

Keeping your teeth and gums healthy can be difficult with the hormonal changes and new sensations of pregnancy. Considering dental care and visits to the dentist as part of prenatal care avoids discomfort in the mouth.

Taking care of the mouth during pregnancy is part of the essential care for a healthy pregnancy. Read on and find out what to do if you have a toothache during pregnancy and how to avoid these discomforts.

Causes of Toothache During Pregnancy

The hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy and poor dental hygiene are a terrible combination for oral health. Thus, some expectant mothers suffer from toothache during pregnancy.

The increase in estrogen and progesterone makes a pregnant woman more vulnerable to bacterial plaque. In addition, increased vascularity throughout the body also affects the gums.

Gingival tissue over-responds if bacteria are present, becoming easily inflamed. Gingivitis is one of the most common oral diseases in expectant mothers.

The build-up of plaque causes inflammation of the gums, which turn red, enlarge, bleed easily, and ache. If not treated in time, it can develop into periodontal disease.

Periodontitis is inflammation and infection of the tooth’s supporting tissues. Bone destruction generates mobility of dental elements and, in more advanced cases, their loss. Furthermore, it is associated with complications such as premature births and low birth weight babies.

The development of gum tumors in pregnancy is another common cause of oral discomfort. These are benign enlargements of the gum tissue that cause pain and tenderness. They usually go away on their own after giving birth. If they cause too much discomfort, they can be surgically removed.

Another cause of toothache during pregnancy is tooth decay. Poor dental hygiene, dietary changes due to cravings for sweets, acid reflux and morning sickness all predispose to damage to hard tooth tissue.

Toothache Treatments During Pregnancy

Having a toothache during pregnancy is an uncomfortable situation for the expectant mother. Also, if it is not resolved, it can become a risk for the pregnancy.

The first step to take when you feel discomfort in the oral cavity is to go to the dentist. It is important to mention the status of the pregnancy to the professional so that he can act accordingly.

The dentist will look for the origin of the toothache and, according to the diagnosis, will indicate the best treatment. Depending on the number of weeks of pregnancy and the complexity of the problem, it may be advisable to carry out some treatment at that time or postpone it for later.

The dentist is trained to know what medications to use during pregnancy. Therefore, if it is necessary and he indicates the use of some medicine for toothache, its consumption will be safe.

It is important not to self-medicate to relieve toothache during pregnancy. Misuse of painkillers or antibiotics during pregnancy can be dangerous for the baby.

The practice of some homemade measures alleviates the discomfort while waiting for specific dental treatment. It is helpful, for example, to identify foods and drinks that initiate or worsen sensitivity to avoid them.

Rinsing with warm salt water to reduce gum inflammation can also help. It is recommended to make the mouthwash after brushing your teeth.

It is important not to neglect dental cleaning. Although there is discomfort or tenderness during brushing, it should not be discontinued.

pregnant woman cutting salad
Identifying the foods that cause toothache in pregnancy is important to be able to avoid them.

Is it safe to go to the dentist during pregnancy?

Some mothers believe it is better to bear the pain and avoid going to the dentist. They fear that dental treatment will put their baby in danger.

This doesn `t happen. Many procedures are safe during pregnancy, and the dentist is trained to indicate the best solution for the pregnant woman without putting the baby at risk.

As already mentioned, when going to the dentist, it is essential to warn about the pregnancy and remind you whenever you go to appointments. Weeks of gestation should also be indicated. Even if the pregnancy is not yet confirmed, it is necessary to warn that there is a suspicion.

It is also important to tell your dentist if you are taking medication, if your pregnancy is at risk, if you have any illnesses, or if your doctor has made any special recommendations. Often a consultation between the dentist and the obstetrician allows for better planning of future procedures.

It is best to visit the dentist before becoming pregnant to have a healthy mouth and avoid complications during pregnancy. Once the pregnancy status is known, it is also suggested to make an appointment with the dentist.

It is advisable to go to the dentist every three months for exams and detect any problems in the mouth. In this way, you can schedule treatments for the best time, perform cleanings to care for the gums and receive relevant guidelines to keep the oral cavity healthy.

Safe procedures

If a dental procedure is needed during pregnancy, the best time to do it is in the second trimester. In the first, professionals try to avoid interventions because it is the moment when the baby’s organs develop.

In the last trimester, the size of the belly can make the mother uncomfortable when sitting for long periods in the dental chair. However, when there is a dental emergency, such as pain, infection or trauma, it must be resolved immediately to avoid complications.

The use of local anesthesia for fillings, root canals and extractions is possible during pregnancy. These treatments may be needed to treat toothache. As we mentioned, the ideal is to leave these procedures for the second trimester.

While it is ideal to avoid using x-rays during pregnancy, if they are very necessary and unavoidable, dental x-rays are also safe. The amount of radiation used for these plates is minimal. In any case, they must be carried out with protection, with a lead apron over the mother’s abdomen and neck.

Unnecessary cosmetic procedures or procedures that do not affect the mother’s health should be avoided during pregnancy and postponed until later. Tooth whitening is an example of these interventions that can be for later.

Tips for Maintaining Good Oral Health During Pregnancy

Taking care of your mouth during pregnancy doesn’t just prevent toothaches. Furthermore, it is part of the general health care of the mother and fetus.

Here are some things you should keep in mind to have a healthy smile while waiting for your baby.

take care of dental hygiene

Removing plaque and preventing its build-up reduces the risk of tooth decay and gum inflammation. Thorough dental hygiene is essential for oral care during pregnancy.

Brushing teeth should be done at least 3 times a day for 3 minutes. Ideally, use a soft-bristled brush and fluoride toothpaste.

The movements should be smooth and reach all sides of all teeth. The gums and tongue should also be cleaned.

To eliminate bacteria and food debris that accumulate between teeth, it is necessary to supplement oral hygiene with dental floss. Flossing should be passed through the interdental spaces at least once a day. Your dentist may suggest using a special mouthwash to reduce gum inflammation.

maintain a healthy diet

Maintaining a balanced, varied and nutritious diet during pregnancy takes care of the mother’s health and favors the correct development of the fetus. A sufficient supply of protein, vitamins, minerals, phosphorus and calcium must be ensured.

Also, foods high in sugar, such as sweets and sodas, should be avoided. Eating 5 meals a day is the best way to get enough energy during pregnancy.

drink lots of water

Hydration of pregnant women is an aspect that should not be neglected. Hormonal changes typical of this phase can cause dry mouth or dry mouth.

Dry mouth not only causes discomfort, it also favors the appearance of cavities. Keeping a water bottle close by is a simple practice that helps solve this problem.

It is recommended to drink clean and natural water and avoid sugary drinks or sodas, as they are cariogenic. It is important to avoid any drink that contains alcohol because of the possible damage it can cause to the fetus.

Hydration of pregnant women
Hydration is critical in pregnancy for many reasons, including oral health.

Visit the dentist every quarter

The importance of going to the dentist before becoming pregnant and then every 3 months has already been mentioned. This is an effective measure to take care of the oral cavity during pregnancy and prevent toothaches.

In consultations, it is possible to detect any problem that appears and seek the most suitable solution for that moment. In addition, if necessary, the dentist performs professional cleanings to remove tartar and plaque.

Dentists apply fluoride applications to strengthen tooth enamel and prevent cavities. In addition, the quarterly check-ups are a good opportunity for the mother to receive all the necessary information about taking care of her teeth at home and how to take care of the mouth of the baby she is expecting.

In the event of an emergency situation such as trauma, pain or infections, the dentist should be visited immediately. These circumstances are dangerous for the fetus and stress the mother, increasing the risk of contractions and premature births.

A healthy smile for the mother

Pregnancy causes many changes in a woman’s life. The transformations of the body are those that give rise to the formation of a new life and cannot be avoided.

The situation of the mouth is also modified by pregnancy. If it is not treated with the necessary care, problems such as toothache can arise during pregnancy.

Visiting your dentist regularly, following a healthy diet, and taking care of your oral hygiene will help prevent common oral problems. In this way, it will be possible to end the pregnancy with a healthy smile.

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