How To Take Advantage Of The Corners Of Small Houses?

Discover and enjoy every free space in the house, converting it into an aesthetically beautiful and functional place, which will allow you to expand your possibilities.
How to take advantage of the corners of small houses?

Nowadays it is common to find small houses. The reduction of spaces, the large number of people who live in cities and the pace of life make the houses smaller and smaller.

Like everything in life, there is a good part and a bad part. The bad thing is that we have to get used to living in a smaller amount of meters and we must organize the space better. Among the advantages we can mention that cleaning is faster, avoiding the accumulation of unnecessary objects and  allowing you to be in greater contact with the inhabitants of the house.

Check out some tips to make the most of every corner of your home.

Tips  for rooms and kitchens in small houses

Small houses usually have a living room and kitchen in the same room. Therefore, we must adapt the furniture very well and not place excessive objects. Defining and marking each zone with a table or lamp will help to delimit the spaces and make them more harmonious. Write down these tips for the hidden corners of your living room or kitchen:

  • Functional desks : Choose desks that serve  a second function, such as those with drawers or shelves on one side. This will allow you to store things in them.
  • Closets:  put closets where you can. If you have a free space, however small it may seem, a closet can help to store books, ornaments or necessary items at your fingertips.
  • Armchairs with drawers:  under the armchairs there is usually an unused space. Put some big drawers in there and store all sorts of things that can’t be left lying around the house.
  • Put hooks and shelves on the walls:  If there is a wall that is practically empty, you can put hooks for hanging coats and bags and above them a small shelf. In a place that is passing through will be very useful.
  • Mirrors:  Place mirrors to increase space, especially those with low lighting.

enjoy the windows

Small houses have small windows

Windows are an important part of the environment. Thanks to them, we can connect with the outside world and allow the entry of light and air, which are essential for the house.

But, if these do not cover the entire wall, you can find free spaces on them to put some kind of complement that helps to have more spaces to store things.

  • Shelves above the windows: We  can place a shelf that spans the width of the window and place books on it.
  • Use the middle part of the window:  whether it reaches the floor or halfway up the wall, we can place a small desk.
  • Use the lower part of the window to place an armchair:  we can place a custom-made armchair and put drawers below it. In this way we take advantage of two functions.

Tips  for small home kitchens

Kitchen utensils and appliances are increasing in quantity. Having everything organized and everything in its place helps to optimize time when preparing food. Take these tips to make the most of every place in the kitchen:

  • Place shelves  in high, free areas. It will be extremely practical.
  • Use baskets. They are very comfortable and help keep the closets tidy.
  • Place metal hooks or baskets on cabinet doors. Increase the storage space.

small rooms

For small rooms with limited space, we can also adapt the above ideas. If the bed takes up most of the space, we will have to find a way to use the free spaces below and above it.

  • A great idea is to  put drawers or boxes under the bed,  as it’s a big, hidden place.
  • We can also  put a shelf over the headboard.

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