How To Relieve Muscle Cramps?

In this article, we’ll talk about how to relieve muscle cramps with home remedies. Don’t miss it!
How to relieve muscle cramps?

If feeling pain bothers and discourages us, what about the pain caused by cramps? In this article, we’ll talk about how to relieve muscle cramps with home remedies.

Here we will look at  what the possible causes of cramps are and how – with simple techniques – we can alleviate the discomfort caused by them.

As we will see, this painful and temporary “paralysis” we call cramp can be produced for several reasons: subjecting our muscles to excessive effort, performing some unusual movement, among others.  It is even possible that it also happens because we remain in the same position for a long time (sitting, standing still, etc.).

Another possible reason is that the body becomes dehydrated, that is, that there is not enough fluid or that there is a lack of minerals in the diet.

Cramps are also caused by exposure to cold, stress due to anemia, vitamin E deficiencies, diseases such as arthritis, arteriosclerosis and fibromyalgia or the use of some medications such as diuretics.

They can affect any muscle in the body, being most common in the calves, thighs, feet and hands.

Methods to Relieve Muscle Cramps

  1. As a first measure to relieve muscle cramps, apply ice;  this is a surefire recipe in most cases. A little ice in the affected area will make the muscle relax.
  2. It is also good to apply cloths soaked with arnica infusion or apple cider vinegar in the region for 5 minutes. After this time, remove and reapply if pain persists. Arnica soothes pain and activates circulation, thus helping to relieve muscle cramps.
  3. If the cramp is in the legs, mix a teaspoon of mustard seed in a liter of water. Simmer for 10 minutes and add to the bath water to bathe your legs for 20 minutes.
  4. In addition, several times a day, apply essential oils such as eucalyptus, pine, rosemary or thyme on the affected region, which provide a warm sensation that will help to relax the muscles.

Other alternatives

  1. When the cramps are caused by exerting a lot of effort, the best solution is to rest. If it is possible to combine rest with sleep, even better.
  2. If you can’t sleep and the pain caused by the cramp lasts for more than five minutes, take a bath in warm water. This will help to achieve the necessary degree of relaxation.
  3. If the cramp is produced, for example, in a leg or arm, it is best that you do a slight stretch of the muscle, or apply a massage in the opposite direction to the direction of pain. This will gradually stretch the muscle and be able to relax it. The important thing is that this procedure must be done when the pain starts to avoid muscle damage.
  4. Pay close attention to hydration, whether you are exercising or not. It is essential to keep your body hydrated at all times. However, it is convenient that we do not consume products with high sugar content.
  5. If the cause of the cramp is a lack of minerals, mix a spoonful of honey and another spoonful of apple cider vinegar in a cup of hot water and drink. This will provide an adequate distribution of calcium in the body, thus preventing chronic cramps.

How to prevent muscle cramps?

If you decide to do a specific physical activity or sport, consider the following tips:

  • Before starting any physical exercise, warm up.
  • Get enough rest before and after exercising.
  • Eat well so that your body has all the necessary nutrients. Above all, consume foods rich in potassium, such as bananas.
  • Drink water before, during and after any physical activity.
banana to relieve muscle cramps
A medium banana provides one-third of the recommended daily potassium requirement.

And if you’re still experiencing frequent bouts of cramp, it’s best to see a doctor, as cramps can be indicators of some sort of more serious muscle problem.

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