How To Prevent Your Face From Getting Dry

In addition to moisturizing it with creams, to avoid dry skin it is also essential to drink plenty of water to nourish it from the inside out. It is recommended to take at least two liters a day.
How to prevent the face from getting dry skin

Dry skin is a very common problem at any stage of life. However, it appears more often after the age of 40 and in winter.

In this article, we’ll tell you how to naturally avoid dry facial skin.

Dry skin: how to eliminate it

There are several factors that cause dry skin. This problem can be due to a genetic predisposition, the environment and the climate, when washing the skin in excess or when using certain products.

If you have this problem, pay attention to the following advice:

1. Moisturize daily

You can buy creams according to your problem that should be applied every day and, if possible, several times.

It’s no use putting on a thick layer of moisturizer today and then forgetting about it until next week. It is essential to use it daily, at least in the morning and in the evening.

  • To remember, leave the pot on the nightstand or in the bathroom.
  • Also, to increase the level of hydration, it would be good to apply the cream after washing your face or after showering (that is, when it is still damp).
  • Do not forget that, to apply the product, gentle movements are always better, in order to avoid irritation.

2. Wash with warm water

the dry skin

When you come home from work or after exercising, when you get up in the morning, or when you go to sleep, you should wash your face with warm water.

Thus, the pores will be relaxed and the skin will not dry out further. Hot water is not good because it irritates the dermis and removes moisture.

This also applies to bathing. In case you like to take a hot bath (for example, in winter), we advise you to wash your face with cold water afterwards.

3. Exfoliate gently

It is a mistake to believe that people with dry skin do not need exfoliation. This technique is used to eliminate dead cells and unclog pores, therefore it is effective for any skin type.

  • You should be aware that many products that are sold freely can make your problem worse.
  • So, in addition to selecting the most appropriate, you should apply the cream very gently.
  • In the end, don’t forget to moisturize your skin.

4. Let it dry alone

When you’re done showering or washing your face, it would be better if you let your skin dry on its own. If you don’t like this idea very much, you should be careful with the towel you use.

  • First, it needs to be cotton or any other soft fabric.
  • Second, you shouldn’t rub, but lightly pat it for a maximum of 20 seconds.
  • Another option is to use a soft fabric and apply a little pressure.

5. Drink lots of water


the dry skin

It is very important to hydrate the skin from the inside to give it not only softness but also elasticity.

Through water, we can eliminate the toxins that dry out the skin and, at the same time, help transport nutrients to the cells.

If your skin is too dry, we recommend drinking 2 liters of water a day. You can include natural fruit juices and herbal teas.

6. Protect the skin with petroleum jelly

People who suffer from dry skin know that, during winter, the situation gets worse due to the heating of the environments, the wind and low temperatures.

To keep the skin’s natural moisture for longer, you can apply petroleum jelly to your face before leaving the house.

7. Maintain a healthy diet

Just as water hydrates, so do raw fruits and vegetables. In addition, they offer many nutrients and vitamins that improve your overall health.

Consume 2 pieces of fruit and 2 portions of vegetables a day, especially in season.

Among the best options are:

  • watermelon
  • Tomato
  • Apple
  • Chard

8. Wash your skin with milk

The creams we buy in stores have milk in their composition. That’s because it’s a very effective natural cleansing and moisturizing agent.

  • To apply it, first wash your face thoroughly.
  • Then dampen a cotton or towel in milk and rub it over your skin.
  • This will not only prevent irritation and moisturize your skin, but also reduce redness and flaking.

It is better to use whole milk because it contains more lactic acid and fat.

9. Decrease your salt and fat intake

the dry skin

The fast food not only fattening and increases cholesterol levels, but also dehydrates the body and dries the skin.

Therefore, limit your consumption of salty foods, fried foods and caffeine. Also avoid drinking alcohol and soda in excess.

10. Don’t smoke

Tobacco has several harmful effects on health. One of them relates to the skin.

  • Cigarettes contain tar, which clogs pores and dries out the skin, and can cause pimples.
  • In turn, it makes breathing difficult and deprives the cells of oxygen.
  • As if that weren’t enough, smoking diminishes tissue vitamin stores.

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