How To Prepare Eggplant And Lemon Water To Lose Weight?

Although eggplant water can be a great ally to lose weight, it is not advisable to go too far with raw eggplant, as it can be toxic.

Losing weight in a healthy way is one of the goals of those people who face the negative effects of overweight and obesity. Fortunately, eggplant and lemon water can be a great ally in this process.

Although many people think about the benefits that losing weight offers to their appearance, the importance of reaching this goal lies in the changes it can generate in health.

This is due to the fact that  the accumulation of fat causes metabolic and cardiac problems,  which reduces the quality of life, increasing the appearance of diseases.

Furthermore, it is a problem that affects the emotional health of patients, as it causes drops in self-esteem and episodes of depression.

Luckily, in addition to diet and exercise,  there are some “extra helps” that make it easier to burn fat and calories  to get results in less time.

Although they are not miracle products or anything similar, their consumption complements the diet to support metabolic functions and the processes that eliminate waste from the body.

One of these options is the eggplant water with lemon recipe, known for its medicinal and diuretic properties.

It is a low-calorie drink that provides fiber and antioxidants, hydrates the body and helps to reduce measures.

Would you like to meet her? Don’t forget to try it!

Eggplant and lemon water for healthy weight loss


woman measuring her waist

Eggplant and lemon water is a drink that has become popular around the world for its ability to control excess cholesterol and fat accumulation.

Made with two ingredients rich in fiber and antioxidants, it  is a natural remedy that stimulates the metabolism and the lymphatic system.

  • Its regular consumption stimulates the elimination of toxins that travel through the blood and, in turn, balances the inflammatory processes.
  • It has diuretic effects that  help expel fluids trapped in tissues,  preventing muscle and joint disease.
  • It contains important amounts of vitamin E, an antioxidant that improves circulation, cell regeneration and heart health.
  • Its high content of dietary fiber improves digestion,  regulating the bacterial flora of the intestine and controlling problems such as constipation.
  • Provides potassium, magnesium and sodium, essential minerals that  regulate electrolyte levels  and support nervous system functions.
  • It is a cleansing drink that promotes the release of bile, a substance that favors the decomposition of fats in the intestine.
  • It can be taken as a remedy for anemia and low defenses,  as its minerals help produce red blood cells and antibodies.
  • It’s perfect for controlling food cravings, as  fiber also has a long-lasting satiating effect.

How to prepare eggplant and lemon water to lose weight?

How to prepare eggplant and lemon water to lose weight?

If you want to enjoy all the benefits of this drink in your diet to lose weight, just take a few minutes to prepare it.

Ingredients are easily obtained at the supermarket and are not usually priced high.


  • 1 organic eggplant
  • The juice of 1 lemon
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)


  • Pan
  • Glass jar


  • Thoroughly clean the eggplant, preferably with a disinfectant ingredient such as apple cider vinegar or baking soda.
  • Then cut it into several cubes, without removing the skin.
  • Meanwhile, heat the liter of water in a pan.
  • Once it boils, add the eggplant cubes to the jar and then add the hot water.
  • Let the drink sit at room temperature and, when it’s warm, place it in the fridge.
  • Later, when it’s really cool, add the juice of a fresh lemon.

mode of consumption

  • To detoxify your body, drink it on an empty stomach, 7 days in a row.
  • As a supplement to losing weight, take it at least 3 times a week.
  • Distribute the liter of eggplant water for 3 or 4 doses a day.

Other considerations

woman drinking water


  • Eggplant is a vegetable with nutrients and health-benefiting properties; however,  it should not be consumed raw in large quantities,  as it contains an alkaloid called solanine, which can cause vomiting and diarrhea.
  • To enjoy the fat-burning benefits of this drink, it is essential to  maintain a healthy diet, rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
  • In order to lose weight and keep the metabolism active, it is also advisable to adopt an exercise routine of at least 30 minutes a day.

Ready to improve your quality of life? Cheer up to prepare this drink, improve your habits and start losing those pounds that affect your health!

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