How To Prepare Birdseed To Lose Weight?

The inclusion of birdseed in the diet can be a good way to obtain essential nutrients for our well-being. Next, we’ll show you how to prepare birdseed water.
How to prepare canary seed to lose weight?

Many people started consuming birdseed to lose weight. Although for some time we believed that this ingredient was an exclusive bird food, today it has gained a lot of fame for its interesting properties for human health.

This small seed comes from the Phalaris canariensis plant . Due to its high content of enzymes and amino acids, it is said to help improve the functions of many of the body’s major systems.

Furthermore, it is believed that its consumption can stimulate the elimination of fat and cholesterol deposits, and that its nutrients help to improve the body’s energy expenditure to avoid metabolic disorders such as diabetes.

Birdseed has been attributed several properties in traditional medicine (lipid reduction, demulcent and diuretic). However, experts point out that there is not enough scientific evidence for this.

Despite this, there are more and more people interested in adding it to the diet, not only with the aim of losing weight, but also with the intention of taking advantage of all these nutrients that promote well-being.

Are you interested in starting to consume birdseed to lose weight? Next, we will tell you in detail how to prepare it.

Benefits of birdseed to lose weight

Birds are not the only species that can benefit from birdseed properties. In that case, it can help us lose weight.

There are many reasons why birdseed is recommended for weight loss. Although some underestimate the power of these small seeds, they are an important source of essential nutrients that support the functions of metabolism. Among its main features, we can highlight the following:

  • Thanks to its content of lipase and other digestive enzymes, this food helps to break down fat cells found in the blood. In other words, its consumption helps transport lipids to the cells to use them as energy.
  • Contains vegetable protein, recommended to increase sports performance and muscle mass.
  • It has diuretic and depurative properties that optimize the process of eliminating liquids and toxins retained in the body.
  • Its antioxidants speed up cell metabolism and prevent tissue damage by creating a barrier against free radicals in the environment.
  • It is a source of dietary fiber that, in addition to improving digestion, prolongs the feeling of satiety.
  • It helps improve blood circulation and minimizes the presence of cellulite and varicose veins.

Canary seed nutritional values

The nutrients that canary seed contain are ideal to complement a balanced eating plan. A half-cup serving of birdseed (112 g) can offer the body:

  • 831 mg of potassium.
  • 236 mg of calcium.
  • 431 mg of magnesium.
  • 112 mg of folic acid.

In addition, every 100 grams of seed contains few calories:

  • 8 g of carbohydrates.
  • 13 g of protein.
  • 2 g of fat.

Birdseed milk recipe to lose weight

Birdseed seeds have many nutrients in their dry state. However, when they are placed in water, a series of chemical processes begins that increase their fiber, cellulose and high biological value proteins content.

For this reason, if the goal is to lose weight, it is best to prepare the birdseed milk recipe. It is a low-calorie drink that we can easily add to our diet because it has a smooth, pleasant taste.


  • 6 tablespoons of birdseed seeds (90 g).
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter).


  • Put the birdseed seeds in a cup of water and soak overnight.
  • The next day, remove the remaining water and add the seeds that were soaking in the blender with the rest of the water.
  • Beat for a few moments until you get a homogeneous vegetable milk.
  • Strain with a fine cloth strainer and discard the residue.

mode of consumption

  • Drink in moderation for breakfast or afternoon snack.
  • Store the remaining milk in a glass container and refrigerate for a maximum of 2 or 3 days.
We can prepare a rich birdseed drink to complete our slimming diet.

What kind of birdseed should we use?

It is very important to learn to differentiate birdseed seeds suitable for human consumption from those intended for birds. Although their nutritional properties are nearly equal, poultry seeds contain a substance called silica, which can be harmful to health.

The variety of seeds recommended for any birdseed remedy is the “silica free” presentation. These can be found in health food stores and supermarkets.

Watch out! Silica fiber is very small and is sometimes not easily detected with the naked eye. It is essential to avoid canary seed that contains it, as its consumption can damage the digestive mucosa.

Did you feel like preparing this drink with birdseed to lose weight? If you haven’t already included it in your diet, try this recipe to see its benefits.

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