How To Make Natural And Effective Exfoliations?

Do you know the benefits of peelings? They help eliminate toxins and add smoothness and radiance to the skin. We’ll talk about how you can prepare them at home with natural ingredients.

Our skin cells continually renew, and those that die stay on the surface until new ones replace them. With peelings (exfoliations) we can improve this skin regeneration process to make it smoother and firmer. We will explain in this article some recipes for natural and effective exfoliations.

on the skin

The skin is not just a part of our body that we have to take care of for aesthetic reasons. In fact, it is the organ that protects our body, regulates our temperature, allows us to have a sense of touch and relates us directly to the outside.

What is peeling?

Peeling is an exfoliation of the skin’s outer layer, the epidermis, with different substances. Currently, many chemical peels are performed that can damage the skin. We also have natural, less aggressive, and more economical options, which we’ll explain in this article.

Why is it important to do natural exfoliations?

The skin we see on our bodies is actually the accumulation of dead skin cells that have been rising and maturing from the inside to the surface. We can say that daily we lose more than 30,000 dead skin cells.

Therefore, if we perform natural exfoliations on our skin from time to time, we will obtain the following benefits:

  • Improves appearance of new cells
  • Activates collagen formation
  • improves blood flow
  • Helps prevent wrinkles and sagging
  • Leaves skin smoother
  • Allows the skin to cleanse toxins and “breathe better” through the pores
  • Helps prevent and eliminate blemishes
  • Gives skin a natural glow

Much less should we abuse natural exfoliants, as we have to respect the natural processes of cell regeneration. Therefore, we recommend doing it once a week. 

What is needed to prepare natural exfoliations?

To prepare natural exfoliations, we will first need an ingredient that allows you to make an exfoliation. Choose one of the following ingredients according to the area and problem to be treated:

  • Bicarbonate: the softest and with an alkalizing function, ideal for the skin and sensitive areas.
  • Sugar: of medium intensity.
  • Coarse salt: ideal for less sensitive areas with circulation problems, cellulite, stretch marks, etc.

Once the basic ingredient has been chosen, we will add a vegetable oil :

  • For dry skin: olive oil and/or rosehip.
  • For combination and normal skin: coconut or sesame oil.
  • For oily skin: aloe vera gel or coconut oil.
olive accept

To enhance the benefits and also the aroma, we can add a few drops of essential oils:

  • Orange: antidepressant, toning.
  • Lemon: very cleansing.
  • Geranium: to help regenerate the skin.
  • Rosemary: to improve circulation.
  • Tea tree: for acne skin.
  • Palmarosa: for acne skin.

To prepare the peeling, simply mix the ingredients well and place them preferably in a glass jar so that we can store them in a cool, dry place or in the refrigerator.

Also, if you want an original touch and give this preparation as a gift, we can also add the following ingredients:

  • To prepare a stimulating and aphrodisiac peel: cinnamon powder, ginger powder and a few drops of ylang-ylang essential oil.
  • For a very aromatic and refreshing peeling: in addition to the orange essential oil, add the peel of an orange.
  • For a delicious peel: add cocoa powder and a few drops of mint essential oil.
  • For an anti-acne peel: the ingredients will be baking soda, aloe vera gel, a little coconut oil and a few drops of malaleuca and palmarosa essential oil.

How to use natural exfoliations?

Apply some of the peel to the previously washed area. Without drying, massage gently in circles, going over the entire area to be treated and avoiding sensitive parts such as the eye contour.

If the peeling is done on the muscles or buttocks, we can press a little harder until we notice the activation of the circulation.

Let the ingredients work for a minute or two and wash with water. The skin will be moisturized due to the use of oils, but if you have dry skin, we recommend moisturizing it again.

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