How To Make Delicious Vegan Mayonnaise

Vegan mayonnaise is highly recommended for people who are allergic to certain ingredients and also for those who want to maintain a healthier diet.
How to prepare delicious vegan mayonnaise

Vegan mayonnaise is prepared exclusively with vegetable ingredients, which is why egg and milk are replaced by other ingredients such as vegetable drinks.

Its preparation is very simple and there are several recipes with different ingredients. Each produces a slightly different result in terms of texture and consistency, but all remain 100% natural.

Two Vegan Mayonnaise Recipes

Next, we’ll share the recipe for two vegan mayonnaises so you can choose the most comfortable and pleasing option for your taste buds.

1. With soy milk and olive oil

This is a light and smooth recipe. You can use it immediately after preparing. It is a very good option to accompany salads, grease bread or even as a sauce to accompany various snacks (bread sticks, carrots, etc.).



  • ½ chopped garlic.
  • 1 cup of olive oil.
  • A pinch of sea salt.
  • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley.
  • ½ cup soy or almond milk.
  • Lemon juice (5 ml approximately).
  • A pinch of ground mustard (to taste) or ½ teaspoon of prepared mustard.


  1. Place the soy milk and lemon juice in a blender. Beat for 30 seconds.
  2. While mixing, slowly add the oil until you notice a thicker consistency.
  3. Add salt, mustard, parsley, and beat very well.
  4. Experiment to see if you need to adjust the seasoning.
  5. Remember that you can add any other elements you like, such as pepper, chili, cilantro, etc.

2. Vegan mayonnaise with potatoes

This mayonnaise is light, although it is denser than the previous one, as its main ingredient is potatoes. This tuber will give a much stronger flavor to the mixture.

spoon with mayonnaise


  • Chili.
  • Oregano.
  • Salt to taste.
  • 1 clove of garlic.
  • Lemon juice.
  • 1 large potato.
  • Sunflower oil.
  • Water to taste (according to your preference: more or less thick).


  1. Peel the potato and put it to cook in water.
  2. Then add the garlic clove, oregano, pepper and a pinch of salt.
  3. Keep on low heat and add the oil little by little until the mixture is compact.
  4. Add water little by little, at intervals of 5 seconds, until the mixture is smooth.
  5. Add lemon to taste very carefully, as if you add too much you will miss the point (as with traditional mayonnaise).
  6. You can add cilantro, basil, parsley, and create delicious custom flavors.

Advice for making vegan mayonnaise

Hand mixers and glass containers are the best allies for these recipes. Avoid plastic! However, you can also use a blender or food processor. To make smaller amounts, better to use the mixer.

If you prefer to get a natural product, a fundamental advice is to use soy milk, almonds, hazelnuts… something that does not contain added sugars and is as natural as possible.

vegan mayonnaise

As for the oil, if you want the result to be strong, opt for olive oil, which gives it a spicy touch. Of course, in moderate amounts. Also, make sure the ingredients are at room temperature when preparing the mixture and don’t overuse the salt and garlic.

And the last key piece of advice: store the mayonnaise in the fridge and consume it in a short period of time.

When does vegan mayonnaise fall apart?

  1. By hitting and stopping several times.
  2. Due to excessive cold or heat.
  3. For excess oil (most common case).
  4. When there is excess speed when hitting.
  5. When, when beating, the mixture does not thicken and appears increasingly liquid and translucent.

Mayonnaise Variations

From a basic vegan mayonnaise we can invent various flavors and colors by adding some extra elements.

  • For a purple or pink color, add a piece of cooked beets.
  • To get a green color, use cooked spinach. The result will be a green sauce with a mild flavor.
  • For a vegetable tartar sauce version, you can add capers, olives, cucumber and onion.
  • To get a rosé sauce, add a little ketchup, or better, crushed tomatoes.

Where to use your mayonnaise?

  • In salads, instead of oil and vinegar.
  • In sandwiches and hamburgers.
  • To accompany appetizers such as canapés, croquettes or snacks.
  • Milanese for vegetables and dishes prepared in the oven.
  • As a base sauce for homemade pizzas, carbonara style.

Preparing homemade mayonnaise allows us to create personalized mixes, according to your creativity, experimenting with the wide variety of combinations and flavors. Try these super fast recipes!

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