How To Make Delicious Coconut And Almond Bread

This coconut and almond bread is so delicious that you can choose to eat it straight. However, it is even more delicious with a little jam.
How to make delicious coconut and almond bread

Bread is one of the staple foods consumed daily around the world. However,  there are variations and original recipes to provide a unique and different flavor, like this coconut and almond bread that we propose today. Preparing it is very easy, and its flavor is unmistakable!

Coconut and almond bread: properties of its ingredients

Before presenting our recipe, we want to provide some information about the main ingredients of this coconut and almond bread. So, in addition to enjoying it for its taste and texture, you’ll have more reason to consume it regularly.

raw almonds
Almonds and coconut are known for their cardiovascular health benefits.

Coconut properties

Coconut is a highly nutritious tropical fruit. Although it is quite caloric (the pulp contains about 342 calories per 100 grams), it has several benefits. However, we must mention that these benefits are mainly concentrated in your oil and your water.

Anyway, coconut stands out for its antioxidant properties and its ability to help regulate blood pressure. Furthermore, it is also rich in fiber, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and vitamins such as E, C and B.

Almond properties

Almonds are oilseeds that are equally rich in health benefits. In fact, they are highly nutritious and their consumption can help reduce the risk of heart attacks. They also help lower cholesterol and maintain a much healthier gut flora.

Furthermore, they strengthen bones and teeth thanks to their high phosphorus content.

As if that wasn’t enough, they still provide necessary nutrients (tocopherol) for brain and nervous system health. They are also a healthy source of energy, protein, minerals and vitamins.

Coconut and almond bread recipe

Maybe you’re thinking this is a sweet bread recipe, right? You can associate coconut and almonds with dessert recipes, but that’s not the case. On the contrary, this coconut and almond bread that we propose today is salty. You will see in the ingredients list that it does not include sugars or sweeteners of any kind.

Healthy Bread Recipes
Coconut and almond bread is a healthy recipe that you can enjoy for breakfast and afternoon snack.


  • 400 grams of wheat flour
  • 125 grams of ground almonds
  • 15 grams of rolled almonds
  • 100 grams of grated coconut
  • 315 ml of warm water (hot but not burning)
  • 30 grams of fresh yeast
  • 25 ml of oil
  • 7 grams of salt

How to prepare coconut bread and almonds

  • First, dissolve the yeast in warm water. Caution: the water must not be too hot or the dough will not rise properly. So make sure the water is not burning.
  • In another bowl or container, mix together the flour (preferably sifted), the salt and the ground almonds, that is, the powdered ingredients, except the coconut.
  • Then gradually pour the water with the yeast into the previous mixture and knead very well. It is necessary to ensure that all ingredients are correctly distributed in the dough.
  • As you continue to knead, gradually add the oil until it is absorbed into the dough.
  • Afterwards, add the grated coconut, ensuring that it is evenly distributed throughout the mass.
  • Then let the dough rest in a container covered with wrapping paper and at room temperature for about fifteen minutes. Wait for the dough to rise.
  • After this period, knead again and mold the dough into a bread shape.
  • Then, grease an oven-proof container or mold and add the coconut bread and almonds.
  • Afterwards, throw the sliced ​​almonds on top of the bread.
  • Then place in the oven and bake at 180º C for about forty minutes. Attention: the oven must be cold, that is, without preheating.
  • Finally, you will be able to enjoy a delicious, quick and easy-to-make coconut and almond bread.

Enjoy yourself!

Your kitchen will smell irresistibly. This bread, due to its ingredients, has a characteristic flavor. For that reason, it ‘s ideal to eat it straight, or perhaps sliced ​​with a little of your favorite jam. It is also a fantastic option to accompany a good coffee.

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